Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Royal Rumpus

Where are my pearls? I have some elbow length gloves somewhere, our boy is getting married!
Diana's little prince, will say "I do" this very special Friday.
I will certainly pull out my "Sunday Best" dress and watch the royal rumpus.
It's history and a whole "lot-a" hoopla going down in dreary old England.
Thrilling, jolly time coming early in the morning.
Tea and crumpets will not be on my menu, but coffee in my grandmother's best china cup will. Pomp and majesty, my desires fulfilled, and the crown jewels! All young and old, little girls want to be a princess. Watching someone become one, works.
My father detests "The Royals", I know he has been squirming. You turn on the television, and news crews are busy, giving us details!!! I can hear him now, "Who do "these" people think they are?" " Will someone tell me, what is royal blood?" He makes me laugh, his first born daughter eats this up!!!! Romance and mayhem fascinates me, "these people" are not much different then all other dysfunctional families. Aren't we all regal, and members of nobility? I wish Diana were around to see her boy, I think she probably is.
My best wishes to any new couple, taking the plunge. Especially to the new bride, those crown jewels can get heavy, put on your big girl pants and wear them well!!!!!! We are all watching.

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