Friday, May 6, 2022

Life in the Serengeti-Thank You Beth Dutton

    I have not had words flowing, or time to type them.

    My family has asked me, why have you not blogged mom?

Because in the Serengeti, it's all about survival. I have a loose thread and am walking on hot coals, at the moment.

Watching others take care of your mom, who is every inch, in her nineties, is strange, hard and a gracious sigh thrown in. She has horrible days, and not horrible days. Navigating all of these transactions, is a journey for both of us, and others.

The brain and its decline are just beyond words sometimes. We all count our blessings and gather strength in our own ways. 

Now throw in your daughter's wedding plans, that have been going on a year, and you have two weeks until the day!!! Oh wait, and the little darling and her beau, decided to move to Tampa area, before wedding. Let me think, trauma, illness, wedding and moving. I may have to use the F word, many times!!

Bill, hubs, turns 75, big party. Emma, daughter, only one, has a big wedding shower, same weekend. Wonderful, wonderful time, YET....I could not walk the next week.

To Ortho I travel, pulled pork, left knee, arthritis, Bakers cyst burst, can not take pain pills, in misery. Sleeping downstairs, because I cannot get upstairs. Finally after three days, get upstairs, and then I have to get down. Well guess what happened to the right knee, torn meniscus, and knee went caddy watchy, and I am midway down the stairs. Two knees down, and Mom in assisted living, and Emma in Tampa, and Bill 75!!!!!! The vultures and hyenas are gathering forks and plates.

Shots in both knees, cane and life is coming back to whatever we call Normal in The Baron House!! When all of the sudden, this crazy knee stuff has caused my new right hip replacement to start hurting like the devil. Only when i try to pick up stuff off the floor or get clothes out of washer and dryer. Like it does not want to work right, so Monday back to Ortho, for some chatting. I need to be at a weeding in two weeks, and on my feet, and they don't call me The Dancing Queen for nothing. Nothing is working and my slim mental capacity is swirling the drain.

Then, the child, Wyatt Heyward Baron, spends the night. He says, in bed, "I love you Uma" but " I love my Dada and Mommy more" and I said, " That is OK precious, it is supposed to be that way." Then as his eyes are closing and I am watching this glorious angel, he says. " Did you know I am the only one who has an Uma?" I whispered, " well Adrian and Finn, have an Uma too." Wyatt opened his eyes and looked at me like a crazy person and maybe in a Boss Baby Voice said, " I mean in my school, not our family UMA!

I think I saw a tiger in this jungle of mine, and I knew I was home, and all would be ok.

Lavender is waving at me, outside the window, and the cushion beneath my arse, is working like a charm.

I will try and blog more, promise here...Life in the Serengeti requires all eyes on the landscape of my life. Thank God I have Jesus and Tarzen in the same jungle.

