Monday, February 5, 2024

Do Not Lie in the Wreckage

 You lie down, you lay something down/object!!!

This is why  SAT tests were not my delight. I will argue, that you lay your body down, that is an object. 

Above title is correct.

I think that I read that, in Isolation Journals by Suleika Jaouad. Substack App. (Wonderful site)

(thank you Purwin for your info)

We all have some personal wreckage, that we just have to step out of. I have luckily stepped out of a few car wrecks, heart break wrecks, death happening to loved ones wreckage, or long dark days of winter!!

I have not been able to write, read very little and no painting this winter. The cold and gloom, after Christmas lights, do a number on me. We also have a new grandchild, Jack, that brings joy. He comes after many months of uncertainty. Hard pregnancy for my Emma, and delivery, and post delivery!! I think I was just SPENT!! Drained, and winter got me.

Its February now, and I can breathe knowing that sunny days will be coming, and my sense of hope returns. I need light. My primary doctor, loves to see me this time of year, do we increase meds!!?, No, says I, I need some sunshine. She smiles. I have been cursed with daddy's bone density but blessed with his sense of humor, win for me. Mom blessed me, with the love of lipstick, writing, and gift giving, while the horrible gift of worry about everything also came from her. I think I have hung onto their best gifts, and added some of my own. 

We all have to not lie in the wreckage, of DNA sometimes!!!

My doctor told me to go somewhere warm, I told her I was headed to Boston, to continue my cold weather blues. However I will be seeing my big boys Keith and Brian, and most importantly grandsons Adrian and Finn. Its Adrians senior year of high school, and we wanted to see his last few basketball games, and Finn Baron made the varsity basketball team, as a freshman, so joy will be had!!!  I like to eat breakfast with them, at this little place in Marblehead, next to our rental house, that serves the best banana pancakes I have ever had. Also, a cup of coffee that will hold a spoon upright in it!!!

Family either puts you in wreckage or pulls you out, often both. Many times, a good therapist, Jesus and prayer beads!!are needed.

Music also is my lifeline, The Grammy's last night, took me to my knees. Joni Mitchell has been a part of my life for so long, and she held me to her heart, with each note. Billy Joel, is another big player in my life of rescue, sang a new song, about Leaving the Lights On, sounded very familiar. I was not sorry about that either, felt like home. John Batise took me to church, as usual, he is anointed, as my Aunties would say. AND Tracy Chapman singing Fast Car, with a famous country singer, whom I do not know, was a balm to my soul. Music and Smart people, creative, giving, loving, people will most likely be the blessings to raise your spirits. At least mine, though in some grandchildren and sunshine, I am good to go.

Enjoy your day, do not lie in any wreckage, crawl out and start dancing. Works wonders.