Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Being Nice Counts

Daily I'm reminded that people who work the front desks, around the world, have issues. In fact, many people, who work with people, are not nice.
Today was my doctor's appointment, and the front office, is scary. Bitter souls, spitting out information, and me still in a cast!!! Who are these people's parents??? I want them to lean over the counter, and call me "Honey." Maybe just a smile, and can I help you?? I was sure their heads were about to spin!! When cute Jeff, the nurse called me back. He was tanned and remembered I had trained him from my last visit!!! He took my purse!!! I had to teach him this bit of niceness!! So this visit he was ever so personal. Also, the x-ray technician, was so sweet. She had a tweedy bird voice, and I did not even fault her for that, she was kind. Then the long wait, reading bad magazines, that I'm sure had been sneezed on!!! When my bone man, smiled his way into the room. Telling me that I'm an A+ girl, YES he said girl!!! Looking at my foot with wonderment and joy!! He was working the room, and I was happy. It is not too much to ask!!! He also told me, that I could do therapy at home(He knew I would not go anyway!!) and he asked me what else could he do for me?
I thought long and hard.....hmmmmm......Nothing doctor, you have done it all, being nice counts!!!

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