Monday, August 27, 2012

And the Songbirds Know the Score....

Songbird by Eva Cassidy has been playing constantly all summer long, and now I understand it!!! The birds know all!! Lately I can smell fall in the air, its percolating right outside my door. Although the sun and heat still embrace me, there is something in the air, and you know with me, panic starts!!!
This has been a very hot summer, and I am not yet ready to let go of the reins.
Music and Foreign films have been my passion of the summer, along with many other delights. Those two, just seem to have touched my soul.
As I mentioned above Eva Cassidy, started my end of May off to a good start, and she remains a daily prayer. Then one day, feeling stuck in my Eva rut, I re-remembered Joni Mitchell. I bought a CD of her greatest hits, and am still above the clouds with joy. Every song, each note, heavenly chords of long ago songs, Chelsea Morning come to me. She came through all of July, and then late August I found an old Dusty Springfield CD, that has brought me to the alter!!! Female vocalist have spent the summer at my house, and it's been grand. I know why the birds are wildly singing, its not frantic fall coming, they have heard my music. The ladies called their names, and they are thanking me, in the only way they know how, singing the score.
Brilliant Summer nears her end, with music in the background, always.

Friday, August 17, 2012

T.M.J., WHAT???

Last week I had the unexpected visit to the Emergency Room. This "I" is the same person that walked for a week on a broken leg, so you know I was hurting. My reason for this brief trip was my jaw would not open. I could not talk, eat and thought my teeth were falling out of my mouth. Had an earache, and spasms in my jaw. If I had just smelled burnt toast, a stroke was headed my way, instead I knew what the problem was.
T.M.J., temporo-mandibular-joint screwed up, or by another name, Too Many Jackasses making me stress out!

Major home repairs had caused me to clinch my teeth so hard, my jaw snapped. My face was swollen, ears were ringing, numbness and then when I could not talk, lord I was headed to the E.R.

So when I get to the front desk and Nurse Ratchet asked me if she could help me, I pointed to my face. She looked like she had stepped out of a Tim Burton movie, so I timidly whispered, "I can not talk." So my angel of mercy walked me like I was blind to a triage area, where she proceeded to ask me questions???  I still could not speak, so I muffled though some information, most of which was not true. Like " How much do you weigh mam?" " Oh, about 120" she kept writing....finally I went to the back, and had x-rays. Left with three different pain meds, and the doctor asked me if I wanted a shot to speed up the pain relief, NOW this is a good E.R.

When Bill picked me up( people thought I could not walk, very strange?) he asked if I wanted to stop and get some lunch?? " Bill I have just been to the E.R. for two hours, I can not open my mouth, and food would disturb the pain medication that is now traveling through my body!" he looked funny and said, " I can't understand you?" So I just pointed to my TMJ joint and frowned, sometimes the old school Helen Keller skills work the best.

I was better in three days, give or take a dozen, and have used my mouth guard at night and sometimes in the day, to give my jaws a well needed vacation. I have even come to the realization that I have a tendency to "over share" by talking too much, so now I just stay quiet and type!!!

You didn't think I would stop talking??did you?? 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

All Bets Are Off The Table!!!

 A few days ago, I turned sixty. It does not have a good sound to it, but embrace it, I will. In fact change is in the air, I feel it.

Bill has been home lately, due to his semesters at Georgia Tech changing, sooo....I have felt the need to find us things to do. We have been going to Home Depot, daily, so to change it up, I mentioned breakfast out. He jumped at the chance to dine with me, so Waffle House we parked. Twice a year, I go to Waffle House, no more, no less. I stay at Waffle House if my feet don't stick to the floor. This particular time, the floor was a little tacky, so Bill looked at me with the "we are not staying " look in his eyes. He knows me very well, but I shrugged my shoulders and took a seat. I quickly drink three cups of coffee, to cushion the grease. We order waffles and one scrambled egg. They do have the best waffles, so we eat. Enjoying our pre-depot morning date, I dropped a huge piece of syrup covered waffle down my chest!!! It was lost in the crevice of no return!!! So I went in, all the way down, elbow deep, to get this off of me!! Bill looked away, until I dipped my napkin in the ice water, and proceeded to ALMOST take a bath!!  Hubs said, " My God Bonnie, we are at a restaurant!"......."People are watching you!!!"

So I responded to his near hysterics, " All Bets Are Off The Table, I'm sixty!"

I felt such joy! This sixty seems pretty good so far!!!!