Friday, June 30, 2017

Caffeinate And Hope For The Best

I just dropped my phone behind this writing table of mine, trying to see what the date is. Then I could not bend down(frozen hip) nor use my foot to scoot my phone out, so I had to improvise a hook arm ( that sounds bad) maybe just a reaching tool sounds better. So I found a note pad and proceeded to flail. My thought was, I wish I were filming this, people need to see my pain!! and hilarity. I sit back at my station, (table) and begin. That is after I find an ice pack, for the hip, and sciatica cushion, (never believe getting older is fun) (funny, yes) Ready to type, then some update deletes about a paragraph, that, of course, I have not saved.
    This is my charmed life, that I write to you about on occasion, hope you learn, grow and just get a kick out of my pearls.
    This week, began with horrible, tragic news of my sons lifelong friends death. They grew up together, went to school together, roomed in college together, and he was a groomsman in Hart's wedding. Joe French, is a part of our memories forever. Thirty-two is a baby, and his death is senseless. My heart is broken for his family, for my son , and for Joe, not to be with us on earth anymore. My mom heart is crushed, I hope to find some words to share with Mrs. French, but they have not come to me yet. I wish that I did not know somewhat how she feels, but I do. I pray for shock, to comfort her right now. I hope she knows, that Joe was just Joe, and that was enough. We love him so much. Hart, Dustin and Justin, you shared a bond, that death can not take from you. Joe left you with that. Most people spend their lifetime wishing for lifelong friendships. You boys from Auburn ruled the world!
   All of June has been raining, I feel like I am in Paris in the spring, without the parks!! I need beautiful parks to stroll through in all seasons, with the smell of coffee and maybe a crepe nearby.
  I hate with a passion the cold of winter, but constant rain makes me a little damp in spirit. I harp on this, and then I look at my yard, it has never looked more beautiful. Even the weeds shine. I just need the heat, to bake the meanies out of me.
  The book I have been reading this month of showers, Is David Sedaris new book. I think it has Theft in the title, don't make me look it up! OK, hold on. Theft by Finding Diaries. It is very different, then his other books, yet he makes me laugh at the oddest things. I think he is my best friend, a relative and maybe my gay husband. Check it out.
   If you know anything about art, watercolors, you may know that rain messes with your drying time, humidity is not your friend, and I cannot paint unless the sun is shinning!! ( I know that must be a tick of some kind) So one I finished, that needs to be mailed, and two are ready to go, and I have been playing with color. Finding the right grey for the shingles of my childhood home, is personal and important. Plus I remember when Mr. Fewox put our roof on, so I want to do him justice with the roof color. I remember how many darling boys, I kissed on our front porch, knowing mom was looking out the window, waiting to turn the lights off and on, what is the color of that. The door was white, the brick was red, the ivy was green, but the young love or lust, that color? I may never finish this peace, I want to be tender to each stroke of the brush.
   And my last entry of this post, I was lucky to tune in to Cabaret on TV this am, thank you Jesus.
Bob Fosse rocks my world, and Liza, Joel were two of the most perfect entertainers for this deary June ending of the month. ( near the end) I feel so lucky to catch a good flick, and then its a musical and its 6AM!! with Jazz hands!! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have extended my arms, and hands all morning, thank you Mr. Fosse.
   Life is a Cabaret, even in the rain.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Count Me In

   Well.....maybe not. Count me in, may have been at the top of my youth, go to, phrase. Lately, I have wished to not be counted. Some of that comes from age, and some from physical pain of limping around on this stupid hip! That will be fixed soon, but there will be something else! I promise. It also comes from contentment. I love being home, love my husband, friends, children, grandchildren, my house, my yard, my art, my books, even this little time on my blog with you.
   I still want to go to every play, all concerts, and all dinner with friends but it is hard.
   I feel talked out, most of the time.
   But you miss people and places, and like pulling teeth, I will show up. Just not often.
          It also comes from grief, it isolates you. You need more alone time, even ten years into it. It is still there. Some friends and family flee, never to return, just too painful to think of what to say. Others get tired of reaching out and you can't or don't respond. I have been lucky to have so many good friends and family members, each step of the way. I have never been lonely a day in my life, never. I think that is a pretty big blessing.
          I know you do not think this blog is about Sesame Street, but IT IS!!
  Having Wyatt around, our new grand, has allowed me to go back to the neighborhood!!
  This week, one of the episodes started with "Count Me In"
   Count me in,
   I am special
   I am outstanding
   I am awesome
   I am smart
Count me in on all of that!!
Why have I not been watching this program for the past years, without babies.
It makes you happy, feel like a million dollars, singing, laughing, primary colors of love!
I have gone down the rabbit hole of Elmo, with Wyatt. He loves that creature, and so do I. We laugh and squeal, yes squeal like a baby pig with excitement.
   The Count, gives us the number of the Day, yesterday was 10, we tapped our feet ten times. The letter of the day was V !!!! Wy and I both looked at each other, I told him, we can work with that.
Big Bird is so yellow, and big!! and sweet, with his nest of large. Oscar is a just trashy and grand. Cookie Monster gets on my nerves, but kids seem to like him. There are many new people, and puppets, one little girl is autistic.Everyone is learning how to play with her, on her terms. This show teaches children and parents so much. I feel great everyday, from Sesame Street. can Count Me Sesame Street....forever.....all other activities....well I will play it by ear, and pain threshold!! I love all of you if I see you once in a lifetime, or daily. We are all connected, the threads of past, present and future. Count Me In, to knowing you all are near and dear to me, even if I presently am in Elmo's World.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Jiminy Cricket, JIMINY CRICKET

     My June list is becoming huge, blog ideas or just things that amuse me.
      1. Wet Dog ( I think I was just thinking out loud, that my house smells like wet dog) ( normally that is OK with me, but on that day, I had to get out some cleaning supplies!) ( animals are like children, the best and often stinky)
       2. Medicare, Social Security office- ( For the love of Jesus, this will take an entire blog page!) ( how can I be old enough for medicare?) Well....( Jiminy damn Cricket, I am)
      3. And that gets to my blog title today. Jiminy Crickets!! I have decided to curse and include Disney Characters! While dropping most everything in the shower this morn, I used the word Jiminy Crickets with a tone, that would make Walt turn over in his grave.( is he in a grave?? or did he do that save your head in a jar thing?)
      I happen to be a person, who embraces foul language. I thank the lord daily, for letting me spew many curse words at a time. Usually I am by myself, so in my world, that seems OK. However, I have been known to incorporate a few in public. Even when I use Disney terms, it will turn your head! GD CINDERELLA!! I also like to use initials!! My mom and aunties taught me that, which to me if you think it, or spell it, you may as well holler it!! M*the* Fu**ing Rose Garden, gets the point across in writing, but when in dire need you have to curse, and if you don't god bless you and your ulcers! Because your stomach is in knots.
 Scream Snow White and those Seven A** hol* dwarfs, works for me. ( I don't think you can even say dwarfs anymore, but ass hole little people, not so great a rant!!
   It is forever how you say something, not what. The south reigns supreme in passive aggressive language. We preface the bad with " In the name of Jesus, shut the F up." or  " Honey, Darling, Precious, you are not going to walk out of the house looking like the cat just pulled you up the stairs!"
  I like to think my years living up North, gave me pure language aggression, and working for Jewish Doctors my early life, taught me how to pile on guilt. ( OK, their mothers taught me!)
Later in my teaching years, I of course, had to dial it back 100% and while raising my babies, be better at what I said. ( I do believe at the age of twelve, the door opens!) ( That is when Jesus went ape sh*t in the temple, right)
   Words are powerful, language of the world, so beautiful, I try and be careful with my usage.
   So when I have to scream Bambi you MF*c*er, I do so with much thought and thankfulness of heart.
   Love means never having to say you are sorry? What GD Little Mermaid movie did that line come from?