Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Nothing Good Happens Outside-Larry David

I so wish you all were sitting beside me, laughing at my massive amounts of notes!! They are random, crazy fun. I know at the time of writing, their is a purpose of all. What that is, honey is another chapter.
Lionel Ritchie plays loud in the background, velvet!! Mom is feed and having her personal time of washing, and brushing, and letter writing. The good doctor, is at his favorite place, Kroger grocery store, masked and gloved, getting, god only knows what. I am just thankful I don't have to kill a chicken, and cut it up!! I thank the almighty daily, for being born in this time period. Even with a horrible virus, I have it good!! Pre cut up chicken, thank you!!!
We have been hunkered down, and I heard Mr. David say that nothing good happens outside, anyway. Stay inside. He was not referring to virus, just life in general, just chill and enjoy your space.
Still looking at my notes, I see my blood pressure written down from February, a password or two, and this pearl, "You and me, sitting in the back of my memory." Now that is noteworthy.
On the back of that page I see, Social Distancing does not mean disengagement. I think I have passed that on to some family members. ( God Bless um)
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." in convo with hubs one morning. Talking about , we need data, testing, Dr. Bill, Princeton Science, I agree dear one.
 Hard to believe, but I have read a few books, planted some flowers, and cooked enough food, to feed the continent of Africa!!!
The Dearly Beloved, by Cara Wall
The Island of Sea Women, by Lisa See
Here are some quotes from both, that will remain with me always.
..She had died from mother love.
..Her house is the nest where she hides the joy, laughter, sorrows and regrets of her life.
..parents exist in children
..obligations are the fuel for life.
..born from humidity( this is the song of my life!!)
..doilies do not hide bad furniture( wow and wow, and wow) cobwebbed with worry and swept clean by relief
..friends would forever be her stitches, her ballast, her home
Books to read
1. House Made of Dawn by N. Scott Momaday
2.Writers and Lovers by Lily King
3. Holding On To Nothing by Elizabeth Chiles Shelburne
4. Suffer Strong by Katherine and Jay Wolf
5. Make Something Good Happen by Erin and Ben Napier

It is important to write things down, and have many books waiting for you.

This is a time, of change, the climate is uneasy. I listened to a speaker that my friend, Bird Woman, had posted this week. Wonderful lady and I cant remember her name, but she is divine.
She began to ask, " What do you need to pack for the day?" To stay positive and let your light shine!!!
Mother of God, what do you pack in your suitcase of this life, to shine??
Well, this morning, I packed, music, books, notes and a pen. Wonderful computer to use, and knowing right this second, my family is good, and I don't have to cut up a chicken.
The day is beautiful and may my light shine on you, over this blog.
Love, Love, Love

Saturday, May 2, 2020

What Moments Define You?

   May has blown in with strong winds, rain and today, blessed sunshine.
   Warm weather and sunshine, change even the Covid feelings around the world.
   My husband asked me yesterday, if I had blogged about the virus, and our isolation? Stay inside orders, should have giving me a wealth of stories, but...…I have been working hard on myself to stay in a good place. The fear and horror of nursing home patients, bodybags stacked up in ice trucks, so many people dying and sick. Loss of jobs, and hurting, sadness, and the circus of fools, in the White House. I don't know what to say.
   I think I know some answers, or questions, that I could run by some high political people, but they aren't listening. I would like to ask, protesters, acting like terrorists', to use words, not machine guns to get your point across. Angry people, they are not listening to you either.
It is a very unstable, different time to be hanging out of this earth of ours.
I was reminded yesterday of the 60's, early 70's and thought, geez that was so raw and unrested people.
We survived that period, we humans, have a strong spirit. I do have hope, but right now, it is meek in my heart.
Yesterday a dear friend, texted me to tune into PBS American Masters. So I did.
I love that my friends, all of them, know me so well. Know my likes and dislikes, enough to nudge me in the right direction.
 It was about a Native American, Momaday, Alfred or Scott. ( looking at my notes, who knows??)
He is so wise and brilliant, and I had to clutch my heart at every word, that spilled from him.
House Made of Dawn, is a book, I am going to read, when I stop typing to you.
The title of this blog, was said by him, and I thought, no kidding. Bad or Good moments, things that change you, even the smallest word, can turn the oxcart around. It was about the storytellers, the Native American storytellers. The oral tradition, and their history ( that we took from them) so rich, and so lost. An entire group of people, thrown away. Never throw people or words away. ( I feel like that is what we may be doing now)
He used the word, DELIGHTED, several times.  Delighted in Life, that is how we should feel every single day. He was delighted, when someone referred to him, as a story teller. The sun dance, was a way of worship, thanksgiving, for food, and another day. I think we have stopped singing and dancing. We are all teachers, and writers, and healers, we ARE!! Use our talents, tell your story, help someone, share some food, or company, even at a distance.
This moment defines you, this very moment.
Delight in being here.
And keep hope alive, by our thoughts, words and deeds.
Thank you HTA, your little message, turned my day around, and surrounded me with Peace.
I will watch it again, to see if I missed a single word.