Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Books and Barbie, with A Hamster Thrown In


 Summer is in its last ray of glory, August will be here and gone in a blink.

My husband, however says, that is not true, summer is just beginning??? He is from Buffalo, New York, no more words needed!!!

I have lived at the PT building all summer, sciatica, knees, shin splints, throw in a little ankle pain. All left leg, after a few falls. Have been in pain flux for about two years, ( feels like thirty) but this guy, my PT person, is helping soooooo much. I can not move a muscle right now, just fingers!! He has hands like my brother Tommy. Big and Strong, maybe too strong, but he just smiles when I spaz out!!! I had dry needling, and it worked, so we will see. I think I may need to be hooked to two horses and pulled, in different directions, Mr. PT thinks that may be possible!!!

Now back to my blog, after I get Bill to put a fan in this room, I need circulating air.

I have read two books, in the past month, two ready to go, are Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls and The House We Grew Up In, by Lisa Jewell. Demon Copperhead, finished and Women of The New Testament by Joyce Koo Dalrymple.

Barbara Kingsolver, my favorite author, for her first, say five books. She got married, and I did not like her next four or so books, broken hearted. My penpal, she was off my reading list, until Demon Copperhead, I gave her another looky loo. For thirty pages, I told my husband, she is back, I'm so happy. Then I sat out back, on the deck, for a binge read and I looked around outside to see if someone was playing a trick on me. Where are you going in this book, Barbara? I kept reading, it was torture, not a highlight that called me to save. I did not care about the characters, or reaching the end, but I did. I could not grab hold of anything, but I will share the beginning.

1. Most families would sooner forgive you for going to prison than moving out of Lee County( or Duval!)

2.Teach Satan some cute puppy tricks, while you're at it.

3.Could spend the rest of my life asking which it was, suicide or accident. No answer on that line.

4.Face like a country ham, chest like a cement block.

5.If you ever met a middle school girl, you know what they are: volcano eruptions of bullshit.

6. It's football. Take that out of high school, It's church with no Jesus.

7.I was living like a flat tire. kyarn, rotten meat. ( My father used the word kyarn a lot)

9. I was counting up hardships nailing me to the cross I'd dragged down this road.

That ended around page 47, the flow and the adjectives, stopped. The similes, metaphors, logic, character development, over. Not Everyone gets a Poison Wood Bible in their lifetime, but her early books, I have read several times. God Bless her, for 47 pages, I still think, she is a brilliant writer, just not this time.

Other book I picked up, was to support a friend's sister. I thought it was a book, book. Reading, but it was a workshop book, lessons, questions and work!!! I frowned, but dove in. I love a good course in learning. This book required me to get my Bible off the Mantel, and read someone's words, that they think Jesus may have said. I was very proud that women were even mentioned in the Bible.  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are basically the same story written a tad different. There were other books in the Bible that you needed to look at, so that helped change it up. I think I will send the author my book and answers, I study all religions, I like to learn. To just answer questions about The New Testament was enjoyable, but my answers are probably very different than people who believe that the Bible is the holy word of God. I don't fear God, or think that he would judge who needed his help first, as in the Lazarus story. Mary the mother, Mary Mag, sitting at Jesus Feet? We have to remember the times that these stories were written in. Serving food and cleaning his feet were probably what men expected. I don't know for sure, I just know, that some people followed him and some didn't. I do follow Jesus, he knows me. My life was not changed by this book, but it was a very nice, looks into women in the Bible. It caused me to re-read many books of the Bible again. I still think that Mary told Joseph that this barn, is the pits, and tell the kings and Sheppard's, to take off their garments and make my baby a bed. If an Angel comes down while you are sleeping, to tell you, that you are carrying the Christ child, you don't just say, OK!!! She believed, Blessed Mary that she was/is. I tell The Good Lord, daily, Thank You for dropping me in the time period that you did!!All the women in the New Testament should be Sainted!! In fact all women period!! What a force of nature and joy, we are. ThankYou Joyce, for reminding me of that. Now my question to you? Will you do an Old Testament Women in The Bible book, I'm in.

I have been too long at the keys, so I need to wrap it up, Barbie and Hamster will come tomorrow.

I promise, and thats Iffy!! I will get to it. Its written, and good.
