Saturday, April 30, 2011

Life is a Handful of Short Stories, Pretending to be a Novel

I love the quote, that is the above title of this blog. I wish I could recall where I heard it or saw it in print. Oh well, I'm going to use it up!!! April is coming to a close, and I want to let you know what I have read this month. My kindle reads have been:
1.Reading My Father-by Styron
2.The Brain That Changes It-by Doidge
3.Jesus of Nazareth-by Ratzinger
4.Heart of the Matter-by Griffin
5.Georgia Bottoms-by Childress
6.House of Prayer-by Richard
7.Swamplandia-by Russell
And finishing up, All that is Bitter and Sweet-by Judd
To a great degree, you can tell much about a person by what they read.
My reading is all over the place, scattered and skirting around the box.
My personal blog is just that, about me. Narcissistic as it seems, therapeutic it is. What began as a tool to explore my grief, has grown into a personal journey for me. So I end this month with my reading log. My ideas or opinions are just that, mine, but they also may inspire you, or entertain you?? This site gets about 100 hits a day, so somebody is clicking the "on" button. A few have entered whatever is required to be a follower, which is neat. (Truthfully, I don't know what that means? Follower??) ( But thanks, I think) I hope my communication has been clear, and sometimes shady. (not sure how to spell irreverent ??) (don't trust spellcheck) ( Is spellcheck a real word)( see what I mean, all over the place!!!)
May will find me, god willing, blogging my prose, thoughts and crazy antics. Celebrating life and its unpredictable behavior!!!

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