Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Take Me Out To The Ballgame..........

Batter Up!!
It's soon the beginning of baseball, and I feel hope swirling in the air.
You see I'm nearly landlocked here in Atlanta, and I need some sun. Sure we have some lakes and rivers, no ocean in sight. I need to get my "sun-on", and the baseball stadium will have to make do! This time of year, I go to the ballpark, to sun. Only day games, in April and early May. Only if the weather is perrrrfectttt. I also enjoy about three innings. Some may think it is an expensive date, since I like good seats. Optimum sun seats, are not cheap!!! and only three innings, oh my. That is not the whole truth, I love to watch a great pitcher with a fast breaking ball, or a "to die for" change-up. I have been known to hog the binoculars, and inspect a few tight ass players, in those stretch pants!! I have followed, The Reds, The Yankees, The Phillies, The Sox, and now our Atlanta Braves. I even wrote Johnny Bench a letter once, but that story is in the vault!
Baseball is too slow a game, to idle for me, so I have to find things to entertain me, pretending to enjoy every minute. It's family time, it's my duty. It's also my family's duty to know mom's expectations. Three innings, check.
Will stay longer, if a few nice bums are around to look at, check.
Likes bad ballpark food, check.
Will talk to all kinds of people at the ballpark, check.
At any time, may break into song, check.
Swing batter,batter, swing........I look forward to another season, Go Braves!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Utter Rapture

This has been my first week back to work.
I still move slow, and with a few "tools" to help me walk, get around OK.
Work, brings me, joy and laughter. Thrown in with some big time "crazy", it has always been a healing place for me. There is something sacred about the middle grades student, like hope is still possible.
I enjoyed leaving early all week, to nurse myself, and reflect on this Giant Broken Leg Saga and my luck?? When.....
Just this week, I felt utter rapture, as I watched Robert Redford and Barbra Streisand,on Oprah!! If my leg had not been broken, and I had not left early to come home, I would have missed this, heart stopping, Way We Were, two people I love!!! Mesmerized, I sat and held my heart, like at any minute it would stop. Robert Redford sends me over the moon, I thought at one moment, he could see me through the TV!!! One of my very favorite movies, The Way We Were, I have never recovered from. When she touched his hair, to move it from his forehead, mother of god, life altering love story. Seeing them together elicited so many memories, youthful hope. My Bobby, My Barbara, My luck!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Raining MEN!!!!

I was making my decent downstairs this morning, on my butt. (Broken Leg, if you have forgotten)
When to my delight, "my men" had arrived.
You see, I have been idle for six weeks, barely able to move.
So my computer became, my feet through the yellow pages.
I had two groups of, non-speakers of English, in and out of my house at 7AM, on a weekend!!!
AND they are working on Sunday, at the Church of Bonnie B's.
I will pass out rosary beads, if needed. Read from the good book, and speak in tongues, if they will just finish and let me back in my house.
It would have been easier, I think, to move into a new house.
My family is unaware that this is just the tip of, my raining men!!!
The rocks are coming next weekend!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What is Luck?

I love the color green, and give me a celebration any day!! Happy Saint Paddy's Day.
Will it be lucky for you? Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? I'm, intermittently certain, that you will find marshmallow shapes in the Lucky Charms Box.
Luck is a funny thing, that I'm not sure of. I feel lucky, but it could be the meds talking!!!
The more realistic luck, I think, we make ourselves.
I keep my eyes open, and I seem to think everything is lucky??
I have a broken leg, unlucky. Being home today to receive a phone call from a best friend, so lucky.
Broken leg, feeling helpless and lonely. Emma home from college for a whole week, to help me, and have fun with, so lucky!!
Going to the physical therapist yesterday, not lucky or unlucky, just life!!!BUT....a magazine article, featuring Jeff Bridges, that was wonderful. So much so, I had to take notes!!! He has a note taped to the top of his computer which read: Is This Task Absolutely Necessary To Keep My Life Afloat? I love that!! Also yesterday, when glancing at the paper, I saw where Bob Dylan will appear, do a concert, in Ho Chi Minh City in April!!! I had to sit down, I felt so lucky to have lived in a time where I heard him sing anti-war songs in the 1960's. So lucky to still be living to hear about him singing these same songs in Vietnam, so many years later. The Times may be Changing????
So about the luck? I think you have to look for the clover, and tip your hat.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Help, I Need Sombody, HEEELLLLPPP

I'm convinced you can find a Beatles song title, for any blog I do. Such a simple thing brings me so much joy. Now if I can remember the blog????
Asking for help, is not fun. I easily can tell people what needs doing, but then they think I'm being bossy. Is being bossy wrong??? Assertive doesn't sound nearly so bad. SO! I'm assertive with a smile. Southern charm, goes a LONG way. Thank you ever so much.
However asking for help, is not in my vocabulary. Being a mom, wife, friend and daughter, I have held my own. Taking care of others , doing for others, with ease.
Breaking my leg, I have been at the mercy of my family and friends, and it's strange.
Even during my grief, I wanted to handle things on my own, still do. Yet each day I'm reminded of all the outside help I need. This week I received an unexpected package from my high school friend, Judy Ivey Senen. A book on grief from CS Lewis, A book on prayers, and a box of candy. She has not been a part of my life for forty years, with a few cards here and there. Out of nowhere, people can touch you profoundly. The same day, my cousin sent me an article on Lent, and a charm either made by an Autistic person, or the money from the purchase went to Autism. All in Ward's honor. My working friends, have brought over food, and chatter. Food for the body and mind. Bill, Emma, and Hart have been my Big helpers, doing silly stuff for me, and hard things also. Asking someone to wash your hair for you is not easy, but Emma did a great job and blew it out for me. Its not easy to be on the receiving end sometimes, but know I'm very grateful for being so lucky, so very lucky. I know there much be a song title from the Beatles to end this blog??? Please, Please me oh yea, like I Please You!!! Maybe there is not a song title for everything????

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Les Miserables

My doctor said, " Bonnie, you are in broken bone prison!" Note, he said that after I gasped at three more weeks, of no weight on my right leg and ankle. I explained to him, that I have used all my 'wits" to entertain myself. He then "petted" my new boot. I looked around the room, to make sure I was not at the vet's!!! Don't pet me!!! Give me some ideas, when I remembered we had taped Les Miserables!!!!
I have not had much pleasure in watching the tube, but last night Bill and I had watched the 25th anniversary of Les Mis. As usual, we also taped it, or recorded it??? I never know when I will not sleep through most of any program. The performance took my breath away, voices of angels. When I happen to look over at the couch, Bill fighting off sleep, I asked this question. Bill, Bill, BILL, (I think he was asleep) " Have you ever had any desire to sing?" He, so surely, said, "NONE"
I just don't get that answer!! I think to sing, in tune, would be so perfect. It has been a life long desire of mine. "How can you listen to these people singing, and not want to get on the stage with them, and SING?" Because...." You would always beat me to the stage, and I like to see you happy." OK, those were not exactly his words, but I know what he was saying.
So leaving the doctor's office, feeling defeated, I knew when I got home, I would sing every song, and not feel so Les Miserables!!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

HGTV, Hallalu-yer!!!

Seriously there is nothing on TV during the day. So I have started a "love fest" with HGTV. You still remember I am a non-walking mammal.(broken leg problem)
Having always enjoyed a good home makeover, has now gone to bigger and better home and garden fix-ups!! and my family is very afraid!! " Mama has her tape measure out, and is chewing on the end of a hammer!"
We have lived in this house over twenty years, and it needs some work. Every room needs a little tweak, and HGTV is guiding me. So I now have a folder!!! Yea, with pictures and notes, and color swatches!!! Holmes on Holmes, Curb Appeal, Design on a Dime, How to Sell This House!!! SO far the yard is getting some new sod, and a dry creek bed??? Hardwood floors to finish off the main floor, a new deck, new lighting fixtures, Plus mucho painting, and this is just a marble in the bucket!!! I'm looking at the hardware on the bookcases in the den, as I type, need to put it on my list. Restoration Hardware is calling my name!!! I want to paint grandmothers dinning room set, but that is still in the dream phase.
Yesterday the boys, (beloved and beloved son) took down our old wood swing set, it was time. Never the less, I had to look away. No more babies, and the grandchildren would not want to play on "Uma's" old swing!!
Change can be uncomfortable, and at the same time renewing. I think they may need to add a HGTV shrink program!!!
So on this rainy Sunday morning, I have a plan, and that makes me feel better!!! Now if I could just get a sniff of Home Depot!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ahhhhhh, March

March sounds better!! March sounds confident, a sign of surviving. My back door is open, and even though there is a chill in the air, I feel a warm ray of spring. Birds are busy, and visit me, laid out, on the deck. I sat outside yesterday, and prayed without ceasing. The lock was off the vault, and I had a "coming to Jesus" moment. To express my being thankful and a few questions thrown in.
I promised not to watch any more news, about Gadhafi ( doesn't that sound like you have coughed up something bad!) or Charlie Sheen!!! You see I have been having bad dreams, and I think it all comes from the news. Giant Mother Cooter pythons taking over Florida, kept me up for nights!! No more news for me. Only Glee, American Idol, or Dancing with the Stars!! I will begin March with a song in my heart and a dance in my, one good leg!!!
I go see the "bone man" on Monday!!!
March, it's going to be good, I can feel it!!