Tuesday, December 18, 2012

There Is No Elf. There Is No Shelf. There Sure Is No Elf On A Shelf!!!

Each year around this time, I certainly am reminded of things to be thankful for. This holiday season is no exception. You see our Elf On The Shelf went to be with Jesus, many years ago.

With much luck, all my boys escaped the beady eyed creature. The elf began to show up when Em was about four or five. That was also about the timeline that the skinny, red, bendable waif went bye-bye.

Of course I bought the book and the little man, and introduced Emma to all that glitters does not wear a red suit!! You have to move him around the house, and come up with things that the pesky pal would do to mess up your house!! Apparently he watches to see if you are good or bad, something I thought Santa did and teachers!!! Emma was never bad, so why watch her, right?? Also, I was never into pranks or a big fan of a  mess to clean up, so I would just hide him. I would forget where he was, and Emma would forget to ask where mini elf was lurking. There were days, when he was outside sunning, or hanging from lamp, but we really did not care where he was. There was no magic pixy dust to make us find the joy in this venture.
That was just the first year, surely I would try it again, never should our kids miss out on the latest fad!!

The next Christmas rolled around, and he was here again. I asked Emma if she remembered the elf, and she gave me a half smile. Why do mom's add any more stuff on their plates!!! This was just a burden elf, and I proceeded to hide it. Then I became paranoid that it was looking at me, like a demon puppet, so I hid it face down!!! Emma found it laying on the bed, among her stuffed animals and asked me how it could see her, if it was on its stomach???? Hmmm.....x-ray eyes precious, and he gets tired without blinking?? I think she was not waiting for my answer and out the door, but I was ready!!!
A few days into the month she said, "Where is the Elf?" and I said, "He has gone to be with Jesus." ( And I think Jesus in this sentence may be a reference to Je-sus our garbage collector man, who is very kind)
So she brings me the entire manger, barn, kings, Mary, Joseph and the babe. " Mom, do you see the Elf?" ( so the attitude begins) "No Emma, its a miracle!" and she returned the manger and seemed satisfied.

I could find many joys to share with Em and her brothers, without the elf. You pick your battles as parents and you can pick your joys.

Its all good.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Favorite!?

 It is very hard for me to distinguish what is a true favorite, an almost favorite, or just a love, love this !

My family reminds me often that it is impossible to have so many favorites.

I think that is so not true, I have many favorite things. You see there are so many categories.Certainly at this time of the year, December 1st today, my favorites come into view.  Anne Lamont has a new book, that I have read twice, and she is one of my favorites!! Help, Thanks, Wow: Three Essential Prayers, another jewel in her crown, of writing. I adore her way with words.
Christmas music remains on my list, and this year Rod Stewart has a new CD, that keeps him on my special list. His raspy voice croons a Christmas tune, like none other. FAVORITE!
Putting up Christmas decorations, a pain in the arse, but the lights!!!and the ornaments from each of my children, FAV!!!
Ornaments from relatives and friends over the years adorn my tree, causing me to pause and daily say, "This tree is my favorite! Shopping yesterday, at Crate and Barrel, I spoke in a loud-ish angel voice? "I love this store, it is my ....you know the word by now!" Each dish towel, bowl and cake pan winked as I traveled down the aisles, they see me coming, all these beautiful things. Even the cash register lady, had such a sweet disposition, she was darling, sharing stories, becoming one of my favorite sales people so far this season!

Joy to the world, for this minute!

I returned home and glanced in my dinning room, my favorite room, and saw "THEM" my very favorite thing, maybe forever. They are my signed, Nutcracker Ballet slippers. Used Toe Shoes, yes worn out!!
In Atlanta after the Nutcracker Ballet, they sell all of the toe shoes, to help fund the arts. I love them, and every year, I don't know where to put them. So right now they are sitting on my piano bench, so I can touch them and hold them to my ta-tas, wishing I had been a ballerina. A sweet dream, of a little girl from long ago, who thought she could dance!! I look at these shoes, and think about these young girls, and hope they are so happy dancing. Of course that little girl grew up, and dances like no one is watching! Dancing is another favorite!!!

The season reminds us to read, dance, shop, decorate and rejoice.

If you are reading this, you are also one of my favorite things. You can never have too many!!!!