Saturday, April 28, 2012

Some Called Him Robert

The movie Bob Marley, or maybe its just called Marley, is playing at some off the wall art theater downtown. Friday evening, keeps me near the home, but I want to see the movie. So I begin to chatter about who may want to go see it with me, KNOWING my son Hart would be the only other free spirit in the room!!! Bill and Emma were not even sure who I was talking about, they crush me!!!  It's Friday evening and I know chances are slim of seeing Bobby wail, when Hart said, "Mom you know first run movies are on demand, or Roku , or coming through the TV somehow!!" WHAT, movies at the theater, I can watch from home, hook me up!!!
Lo and behold, there it was, a feast for my eyes and ears. I could almost smell the pot through the screen, or maybe it was the dreads!! You know that hair had to smell, but I could not go there, ruin my "Come to Jesus" with Bob Marley. The movie is long.....long......SOME LOVE long.....but special, hot Jamaica weather special.

Bob Marley had eleven kids with seven women, his rules were a little off center. He was not voted father of the year, or husband material, but they all adored him. Robert, as some called him, was a Rastafarin, an odd religious sect, that I think people in Jamaica lean towards, due to humidity!!! Honestly, poverty, tons of weed and humidity=Rastafarin!!! The man was gifted, he could put a spell on you with his music, and for that I love him still.

Marley died at the young age of 36, from melanoma cancer that had spread all over his body. I hope he tells his Rastafarin god person, that taking him so early was a big fat mistake. While he is talking to the man, he can say thank you for leaving us behind with such music!!! It's only fair, I never like to mess with chicken voo-doo gods of any kind.

Thank you Bob Marley for singing about Peace and Love, and stirring the pot!!( The political pot, people!)

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I know...I cannot stop talking about Shades of Grey!!!! In fact I felt the need to scan all three books once more, dare I miss something!!! My entire month of April has been caught up in his damn tie!!! The grey one!!! My girlfriends and I have hung on every word, and made up our own words if needed!!! I have tried to figure out, dissect why I am so attached to this little story. Of course it is saturated in "mind -blowing" sex, that has never had me turning the pages so slowly before. The romance is the exchange of glances and e-mails, and when he touches her bottom lip with his thumb!!!The true story, that stirred lust in my heart??and naughty bits!!! was that she, Anastasia, NEVER has to do laundry. Nor does she need to go to the grocery store, or cook. She has a personal shopper, her closet is filled with clothes. She has her GYN doctor make house calls!! CG washes her hair, now that is some hot stuff!!!! Did I mention that he tells her hourly that she is beautiful, and she is his MORE!!! As my feet hit the floor this Sunday morning, and I stopped to clean the cat vomit off the floor, before my coffee, I took a breath!! No wonder women are sucking the words off of the pages of these books. I just need more people, and maybe a grey tie!!! Above photos are of strangers, all looking for Christian Grey and folded laundry!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sixty is Looking Better.....

For several years now, I have declined invitations. There was no strength to share, I needed it all to survive. Fear and Dread hounded me, and to walk even among friends was difficult. It seemed crazy to pretend that I was alive, even when my heart was beating. Little did I realize that love inherent is the human family. My friends and family continued to lay low, and try to embrace my isolation. I knew in my heart that strength comes in many forms,this past Sunday night it came in the faces of my friends. Roars of laughter, echoed for hours, causing people seated near us, to want what ever we were having!!! Years ago this would have been common for me, dinner with friends, not so much since Ward's death. I have been taking baby steps, even with some of my dearest friends. This Sunday night, I felt like something lifted. We celebrated one of our girls turning sixty, and I think I received all the gifts!!! The food was exceptional, the wine flowed freely, and time seemed precious to me once again.
Let's do this again real soon. Sixty is looking better all the time, there is certainly strength in experience, and lord we do have some stories!!! Fifty Shades of Cra-Cra!!! I love you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Do the above initials mean anything to you? If you answered no, stop reading.
Now if they do remind you of Christian Grey, read on.
There are certainly many well written good books out to read, and then there are books that read us!!!!
Fifty Shades of Grey

Darker Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades Freed

by E.L. James

Degrees of color, I think not. Comparative darkness, not much. Mommy porn, well....yes and yes again. Women of all ages are abuzz, an erotic novel in the burbs!!!! in between tennis matches!!! Yes and yes again. The trilogy has me in a stupor, its complicated, sexy and worth devouring.
This is a love story, with shall I say.....handcuffs and whips!!!! This is not Eat, Pray Love but......prayer does come to mind!!! I think I may have heard the angels sing several times while reading these jewels!!!
This book is for women only. Its taboo and delicious, and a must re-read for me, just in case I missed something!!!! My Kindle is recharging as I type, mercy!!!

The book cover alone, that tie!!??

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Road Trip with Grown Children!!

We have always traveled by car, because we had no more kidneys to sell, for airfare with five children. Even when there were four, then three and now two stragglers want to GO!!! No one cares where, they are jumping on the adventure ride, period!!!
I like to travel by air, to downtown Atlanta! Car rides have lost the laying in the backseat, while your father drives feeling of peace.
So I happen to mention a road trip to J'action'ville, to see my people. Hart and Emma were packed, at the thought. I have no complaints, they drive and I count road kill!!! Florida is a few hours away, enough time for reflection!!! They want to hear the stories, about Gatorbone lake, Andrew Jackson, the Jetties, how I did not have a curfew, church friends vs school friends??, Kenmore street, all my loves, how I use to practice kissing into my pillow and then on the glass panes of the french doors!!! Then I ask them if they want to learn Italian!!!! plug in the cd. The angels will remind me, that all hours in the day, are not teaching opportunities!!! Oh YES they are!!!
We are all packed, as if it is the last supper. You never know!!! my motto, take six of all, even for three days. We have an extra bag for all the cords , that fit electronic equipment, Homer will have hours of material over that tidbit!!!
I'm so grateful that my children want to take trips with me, and get on a plane to visit near, and far. Traveling is never easy, but so worth the trip.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

OH DEER!!!! Ticks!!!!!

This warm winter, we enjoyed herds of deer, trolling through our backyard. Abundance of nature, three steps away. A nice photo op, then we were throwing apples out back, because they could be hungry. There is no such thing as a free meal, Bambi and her mother have remained for the spring. They also have invited cousins, bags packed for the summer. The boundary lines between wild animal friends and suburbia have shrunk. The dog doesn't bark at them anymore, they lay down and nap!!! Next, I know they will be asking for drinks and nachos! Recently I heard two of my adult children, calling them names, like Sally and baby Jane!!! Not good, naming is never good.
Now I have to proceed with my deer tick lesson. You can DIE from these ticks, they will hop over the fence on us, and make us sick, running crazy in the streets!!! I have called in my yard person, to cut down all branches and cool ivy, make their habitat not so comfortable. ( I will pick up the quilts before he comes, you know we thought they were cold this winter!!!) Honestly, I would not change the fact, that my family loves animals. Right now, we have to just be happy with the dog and cats in our life, and let Bambi go! Deer in suburbia, against mother natures plan for these precious beasts. I may have to bring out the big guns!! NOT GUNS!! the movie Born Free!!!!