Monday, April 4, 2011

Give Me An Inch, and I Will Take Route 66 To California

Nothing I do is ordinary, good or bad. Go big, or stay home, fits me to a tee. The only thing that saves me, is I'm PARTICULAR!!! and getting older. My spring break is this week, and already I have done too much. My inch was bypassed on Saturday. The weather was nice, and we were expecting company, so my body went into motion. Still in my albatross of a cast, I wanted to clean, make sure guest rooms were beautiful, pantry was packed, and look forward to my company.
Tulips were out, daffodils too, and I need to rest. Martha Stewart has left my building and is not coming back.
We had a couple of days, of talking and more talking, and then some more. We ate, and laughed and held back some tears. Deep friendship does not require a lot. It's comfortable, and relaxed.
I begin Monday with many things to do, an inch at a time!!!
This weekend reminded me, to take pause, and fold the map away.
Route 66 will have to wait.

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