Thursday, June 2, 2011

Changes Come Too Often

Whirling by is June, its the second, today!!!
May is a lost month, winding down the school year, always a blur.
My sweet June should linger, embracing me with her heat. The hot August heat is upon us, and my June is so in a hurry. She needs to slow down, drink some sweet tea, and stay awhile. I need a minute to adjust to summer days, and chew on the changes around me. Whenever school comes to a close, several days pass before I can find my "footing". My son, daughter-in-law. two grandsons returned to Boston on Tuesday, the house changes when they leave. It's a welcome quiet, but the missing them soon begins again. My school year ended this year with one of my team teachers retiring, a big change. We enjoyed, in an odd way, a very interesting partnership. Her not being around, on a daily basis, my loss. Another teacher, whom I team taught with, in Social Studies left for another school, closer to her home. She is young, smart and I learned so much from this kooky teacher. Her style, infectious, a gift to all who were lucky enough to pass her way. Too many changes this May, and tomorrow will be June 3rd!!!!
Namaste damn it!!!!

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