Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Do You Keep?

This past week, we packed up Ward's bedroom. Bill, Hart, Emma and I asked each other, "What do we keep?" When someone dies, I think the question becomes bigger. When it is a child, very big.
This day has been four years in the waiting. My dread was heavier then the task. I sat on his bed, and touched every piece of his ratty clothes. Folded his underwear, knowing that it was to be thrown away. His torn and tattered jeans, were firmly held near my heart. I kept a pair, along with all his years of artwork. Portfolio after portfolio, from kindergarten through college, a lifetime of art. I think, long and hard,did he know he had a gift? Hart kept a few things, he has hoarding issues!!! We had to laugh, or die. He found some long, lost comic hero cards, that took him to his knees. Bill stayed strong and quiet, so worried about me. Later he told me that he kept Ward's little wooden medicine bowl, that we placed his pills in, since he was little. Medicine was a blessing and a curse in Ward's life, I'm glad Bill kept his bowl. Emma was my helper, making sure that I saw everything, she would pass me over boxes, and then direct "the others" where to place things. Good-will, garbage, back in the closet, or to our personal piles, she was the boss. Ward would have laughed!!! We survived, and after two days of thinking I may need to visit the crazy place!!! the depression lifted. I have thought all week, about things that people choose to keep. We are all so different, what comforts us. I think there are very few objects that are of any importance, its the love that stays. Its the love we keep. It's the love!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bonnie,I can't begin to imagine what this was like for you and your family. But you are exactly right-it is the love that stays long after the one we love is gone. Prayers and hugs to you from one mama to another.


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