Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Produce

There are many of you who grow your own. VEGETABLES, people. Tomatoes the size of Kansas, peas and beans and onions, and the likes. Not me, I have a "Tomato Man." Many men have crossed my path, praise Jesus!!! but the "Tomato Man" is high on my produce altar. When summer arrives, the tent goes up, and the unpacking begins. Corn, that he shucks, take me now!!! and shelled butter beans and white acre peas, ready to cook. Hallaluyer!!!!! Tomatoes stacked in small baskets, waiting to be chosen, putting on their best shine. Yellow squash scattered on the table, and sweet onions strutting their stuff. I stroke each one, and ask where they have come from. My man, has the answers, and he knows I only want Florida Strawberries early. Don't pretend those Georgia peaches are ripe yet, and South Carolina's are not in yet. He thinks its funny, the fuss I make over these jewels. Especially, when I begin to hum church songs, when I make my purchase. I don't miss not having a garden, as long as I have my "Mater Man!"

***DO not rub, stroke and lick yellow squash in public, wait until you are home. Do not fall down on your knees, near the cooler holding the shelled peas, while your husband is waiting in the car, he may get out of the car, thinking you have fallen??!! wait until you are home to hold the bags to your bosom !!! Just saying!!!!!!

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