Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day and There Are Still Clothes In the Wash!!!

The question that haunted me all weekend was, "What is the best thing about being a mom?"
Of course, I could not choose one thing, not with raising five semi-angels.
Being a stepmom was one of the hardest mom jobs I had. I wanted to be a newly wed and get to know my husband, and he had joint custody. Plus I became pregnant a few months into the marriage. I was a 28 year young girl, thrown into Cirque du Soleil. I had two prayers, please god get me out of Pennsylvania,(truly just cold weather!) and please let me learn to love Bill's boys. It was the learn as you go, mom job. I hung in there by a thread, and some days made a noose. SO many changes in my life, and in theirs. I remember Brian one night wanted to sleep between Bill and I, and I asked "why?" He said that I always said my bed was "warm as toast!" Brian has forever made me laugh, he helped me be a better mom. Keith was so serious, graphing his Halloween candy!!! He taught me to keep working hard, that one day I would call him my first born favorite, and forget that he did not come out of my womb.
Ward came into our world, screaming, never to stop. I loved him so much that it hurt. One day when I asked him how his day at pre-school was, he said "good" in his little boy voice. Then, digging deeper, I asked what did do at school today? He was so small, twisting his hair and grabbing at mine, he said, "your hair mom, I thought about your hair!" I cut a piece of my hair, and placed it in his hands in his coffin, still my little boy. Loving him so much, that it hurt.
Soon there came Hart, four Baron boys, and a seasoned mom by then, or so I thought. Hart was and is pure joy. When he was little, I found a bugger(I don't know what else to call them!) on the bathroom mirror, I screamed for the person that had done this horrible thing, to come clean and confess!!! Of course no one did, but Hart did tell me, I should know that it is not his!! because all of his are under the top bunk bed!!! I love these kids.
You would think I was done, but no no no!! I wanted a girl, and I wanted to adopt from India, so we did. As soon as Hart was born, I think we started the paperwork. Our first daughter, Ami Grace, died before she came to us. We were her parents for about six months of her life, never to see or hold her. Her picture is near my bed, she took a piece of my heart with her, and gave me strength to adopt again. That is how our EMMA came to be. My girl, so brown and petite, and sick!! They could not find a vein to hydrate her in the hospital, I told her then, "Look kid, you survived an ashram in India, and made it to us, you are going to live." Emma Lea Reshma Baron completes our family. She is the last of our five to graduate college this December, we are proud parents of all. All five Baron children made me a happy mother, a crazy mother, a sad mother, a proud mother, a very tired mommy and a mom who still has clothes in the wash!!! It never stops, and that is my favorite thing!!

1 comment:

  1. I guess I live under a rock. I read an article in the local paper about the starvation and neglect India girls go through. I suspect this may have been a deciding factor in you and your husband adopting a girl from India. God Bless you and your "chosen" daughter. I can't believe the way people think, live ,treat , about other living humans. Also, bless you for persevering through struggles of step children and the death of a child. P.S, Thank God for washers and dryers. :)


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