Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Imperfect Birds

Anne Lamott is one of my favorite authors, I think I may say that about many authors!! I do love, love many. After I read her books, the yellow, neon, high-lighted sections, forever jump out at me.
She has a style, that suits my style. We are very comfortable together. I purchase her books, no questions asked. So when, the newest one, Imperfect Birds, was released, it came home with momma!!!
I anticipated it may be somewhat different. The story about how our children are connected to us, yet independent, family and love, she always writes about these things, but I had a feeling!!!
Parents fears, worries, she says are like fishhooks, that you can't get untangled. You have to let kids sink or swim, but mothers have a hard time, with drowning children.
The child in the story, Rosie, is addicted to drugs, alcohol, lying, she is drowning in bad choices.
My son Ward, was like Rosie. The book ends with heartbreak and hope. Our story did not have a happy ending, in my heart I wanted to find out what this family had done different to save their daughter, something that I may have missed, with Ward. The story just had a different ending, one that Anne Lamott could write, we did not have the pen and paper for our story.
If you love Anne Lamott, like I do, you will read it, appreciate it, but maybe not enjoy it.
It's raw, and draining, and lovely, like families.
There is one line in the book, by Elizabeth, Rosie's mom, that read, " Life on earth is a head-scratcher for anyone who's paying attention."
Pay attention to this author, read all of her books, and maybe this one also.


  1. Oh I love her too Bonnie! I read Traveling Mercies and Bird by Bird this summer-amazing! I am torn about reading this new book-too close to home maybe? But like you, I am in search of wisdom from other moms who have walked this hard road.

  2. I think you should read the new book, sometimes its a comfort to know others go through some of the same things that we go through. It takes a village, and Lamott is part of ours. BB

  3. Bonnie,

    I think my brother, Jay, must have fought the same battles as Rosie and Ward. I know the pain from a sister's perspective and can't imagine what you and my own mother must feel. Thanks for this author's name. I'll be picking up some of her books very soon. I just love your blog - keep writing!


  4. thank you.
    I lost my sister, and I do know a siblings pain. To lose a child, nothing compares. Your mom is in a club, that no one wants to belong. We just all have to share our stories.BB


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