Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't get your beads in a knot!!!

I confess to having a difficult time with paying attention in church. Especially, the Catholic Church!! You see I am an Episcopalian, and I need help!!!
The problem is, or isn't, the Catholic Church is my neighbor, so she sees me more often, than driving downtown, to my church of choice, All Saints. It's just a FACT, nearer to God, gets me!!!
I just have a FEW issues with Our Lady of Whatever. Communion is for everyone, period!!!
When you design a church, take into consideration of having too many statues. I was so busy looking around, that I missed the readings. Also, it may be a good idea, to place the prayer candles, in another room, I counted them and became hypnotized by the flicker of the light. Not to mention, I had to pray for all the people that had lit candles, and my list is long enough!!! Then you took up two offerings, now that is just not right. One pass of the plate, is sufficient. I wish you had a choir, churches need choirs. Did I mention Jesus on the cross, that creeps me out. Its just too big, hanging in the front, You see I'm easily distracted.
Did I mention that when I returned home, I smelled like a Catholic!!!
I felt blessed and fortunate to have you so close. Isn't there a saying, "Too close for comfort!"
I do love your beads!!!
and Dr. Kildare, playing Father Ralph, in the Thorn Birds!!!!!
Don't get your beads in a knot!!! Just a few observations, from a wandering Episcopalian.


  1. When we moved to Atlanta years ago, my son who was 2 1/2 at the time accompanied us into the local Catholic church. Upon seeing all the candles, he began to belt out Happy Birthday in his loudest voice. The church folks were not too amused. Needless to say, we found another church! Come join me at North Point Bonnie- but be warned, we have rock bands instead of choirs :)

  2. You are sweet, I think I need a quiet ashram in India.


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