Thursday, March 17, 2011

What is Luck?

I love the color green, and give me a celebration any day!! Happy Saint Paddy's Day.
Will it be lucky for you? Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? I'm, intermittently certain, that you will find marshmallow shapes in the Lucky Charms Box.
Luck is a funny thing, that I'm not sure of. I feel lucky, but it could be the meds talking!!!
The more realistic luck, I think, we make ourselves.
I keep my eyes open, and I seem to think everything is lucky??
I have a broken leg, unlucky. Being home today to receive a phone call from a best friend, so lucky.
Broken leg, feeling helpless and lonely. Emma home from college for a whole week, to help me, and have fun with, so lucky!!
Going to the physical therapist yesterday, not lucky or unlucky, just life!!!BUT....a magazine article, featuring Jeff Bridges, that was wonderful. So much so, I had to take notes!!! He has a note taped to the top of his computer which read: Is This Task Absolutely Necessary To Keep My Life Afloat? I love that!! Also yesterday, when glancing at the paper, I saw where Bob Dylan will appear, do a concert, in Ho Chi Minh City in April!!! I had to sit down, I felt so lucky to have lived in a time where I heard him sing anti-war songs in the 1960's. So lucky to still be living to hear about him singing these same songs in Vietnam, so many years later. The Times may be Changing????
So about the luck? I think you have to look for the clover, and tip your hat.

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