Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Weekend at Bernie's or Rosemary's Baby?

  I have not blogged all summer or early fall, my plate has been full-UP!!!

The husband, had Aortic aneurysm surgery, in his lower abdomen, sometime in these months.

He is doing good, me, not so much!! Nerves shot!! but thankful for sure.

AND my daughter, one and only, became pregnant, yeah, and went into the hospital in Tampa, for seven weeks, High Risk for anything to happen. They sold their house, moved in with, The Parents, ( that is us!!) She continued bed rest and weekly, high risk doctor appointments, her husband started a new job.

I have no nerves left, they left the building.

November 19, Baby Jack was born, after a long, horrific labor. Beautiful black hair, tiny miracle baby.

They should be leaving the hospital today, I hope. Photos to come, after their little family, makes the birth announcement. There were several health things going on with mother and baby, but I think today, they may get a green light.  (You know in the back side of my head, I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall) My devotion for the last several days, weeks, months, have told me, in faith, to trust my lord and do not worry. I tell him, that I have left all my worries at the foot of the cross, and that is just not happening inside my head!!! I love Jesus, and he knows my heart, but I have tried to teach him about my anxiety scale!! I look around the room, and ask him, " I know you are here!!" " Can you just put your hand on the back of my neck, and release that shooting pain of stress running up and down my spine?" He smiles a lot at me, and I think hands me over to Mary, who tells me, " Go get your beads, Bon!" " Pray without ceasing." 

Thanksgiving is here, and honestly, I don't know how it got here. I have very little memory of summer; I think it may have been super-hot.  

My brother Benjie and his wife, Linda were just here, which is always a blast. In fact, this was the second visit in just a few weeks, He knew, sister needed him. Both Bill and Linda, our better halves, hang onto every word we say. Every story we tell, and we have a million!! they look in awe of our ability to remember, embellish, act out, and fall out in fits of laughter. 

From swill runs, on the back of Poppys truck, to visiting graveyards every Sunday, this was entertainment for people in the south with no money!! Of course we had the beach for free, and church, those were out other social activities. We had no air conditioner, one bathroom, and played outside until the street lights came on. We would compare bug bites, and any other cuts or stepping on nail stories, to see which kid had the best day. Our Knees looked like a war zone, from skating, and we each had a story to tell mom, why we did not need to go to the ER, or want mercurochrome spread on us!!! I was the oldest, so I got the bath water first, then Trudy, last the boys got the same water, and they could have cared less!!! At times, yes, we even took a bath where they cleaned hogs, it was a thrill!! How clean we got, well, I would say we sparkled!!

All my aunts and Uncles gave us so many stories, Benjie said I did Aunt Frances, so well. I told him Thanks, just as she would have said it!!" BEN-JAY DARLING CHILD, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, PRECIOUS ANGEL.NOW HONEY, CAN YOU GET MY PACK OF CIGS, WHEREVER THEY ARE!! OH SAL-LAY WHERE ARE MY CIGGIES!"

OK, now the title of the blog, I started in June.

My only political opinion, period, 

I would take Weekend at Bernie's (Joe) set him up in a corner, and have strong people to help him, or us, make good and fair policies for the nation over Rosemary's Baby (you know who) Satan in the flesh. Or his demon companions. 

Someone on Facebook, recently said " What are you all scared of?" I wanted to say, " Iam scared in every cell in my body that you would ask that question?"

OK Political rant over, I cannot take on all this chaos right now, I have a new grandson.

I need my strength, four grandsons for Uma.

My neck feels a little better, thank you Big Man in the Sky, don't go anywhere, I am a work in progress, and highly favored, I know. Blessed and I will pass it on. That baby in the manger, reminds me every day, that the cross is empty, and I have a friend in Jesus. LA-ORD STAY CLOSE!!! ( I do sound like Aunt Frances!!!!!

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