Friday, August 11, 2023

BARBIE MOVIE, Thank You Greta, Next Time Throw in My Hamster, Snowy.


  I have some issues, phobias, quirks, but they are all mine and I claim them.

One of them is movie theaters. After the massive shooting, a few years ago, I feel nervous.

I watch people, I have a hard time paying attention to the movie, I have even left a movie, just overwhelmed. Has it stopped me, not really, but it did steal some joy. My life has always been at the movies, my father loved movies. He took me to see Davy Crocket, at age 5, I think. Took me home, because I had to go to the bathroom, and I would not go in the bathroom, by myself. (so maybe this movie issue started earlier then I think!!) We went to the drive-in, a lot, again during The Birds, poking out people's eyes and Dracula, I wanted people to walk with me to the bathroom!! No one would, Dad or Mom, I think they thought they would miss something. Mom usually caved, but it was daddy that usually would take us, so we were on our own.

All my dates and friends time was at the movies, it was our thing. Then when James Bond and other mature movies would come out, we all would go, and the first curse word, mom went to the lobby!!

We all stayed and watched the film, and she would be so angry, that we did not follow her cause!!

Everything was not The Sound of Music!!! 

Back to Barbie, I had been putting it off, but one day, I told Bill to get ready, we are going.

Midday, few people and I was ready. I have a very personal relationship with Barbie, I remember the day and time of day, she came into my life. In the black and white swimsuit and high heels, beautiful.

1959 or 60, not sure, but it was my birthday and I have never believed in waiting for the day of, to get your present. So I would ask, and beg, for my early gift and I think Trudy told mom to just give it to me. (God Bless Her) It was the begining of a lifelong love of Barbie. 

So, when the Movie began, a few minutes in, there she is, my Barbie in her swimsuit, big screen size. I had to clutch my heart, and tell Bill, "There she is."

Then there was the Barbie car, on the screen. My Barbie car was on my side porch, where I played because the concrete floor was so cool. My hamster Snowy was out there also, so he played Barbie with me. In fact, he took over my Barbie car, moved in!!Took all his food and floor shavings into the floor of the car, took over. Forget his cage, he was living large. Until the next day, and I noticed Barbies foot was chewed off. I sent him back to the cage, and went out back to hose out his junk, so Barbie could ride again. All of her cute shoes were worthless to me now, but I still like to see them and touch them, and remind her even one on one foot, looks pretty good. The sunglasses were the bomb!!  Her purses, clothes, hats, and then there was Ken. Maybe came that Christmas, but I can tell you the truth, he did not look like Ryan Gosling!!! I would watch Ryan sleep!! Ken not so much, his hair was like fuzz painted on. One time I tried to get some ink off his face and went up into his hairline and there went the hair!!! My Ken was always just a friend. I think Barbie may have liked my brothers GI Joe better. Barbie and I did not need Ken anyway, Trudy, my sister, got Midge one year, and she came to live with me. Trudy hated dolls, and her sister, ME, loved dolls and stuffed animals. The Movie was silly and joyful, and their bodies moved like dolls. I loved seeing all the Barbies grow into great careers and still be beautiful, from farmers, to doctors, teachers and astronauts, Barbie was and is, perfect. I think even her boobies changed through the years, to please all of us who have, and have not.

I loved the movie, and My Husband loved the movie, and if you didn't like it, that's ok, I guess you never had a Barbie Doll like mine. I love the dancing and singing, and an hour or so, of lovely childhood memories. AND who doesn't like a PINK movie!! Delightful, thankful for Greta and all the cast, for taking a big chance, my heart is happy. 

Now Mattel, if you can make a Ryan Gosling doll, sign me up!! I know there is a Barbie doll in my house somewhere. Maybe even one with both feet!! I still love you Snowy.

She finally stopped going, and Daddy too. TV had all that they wanted.

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