Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tidy This Up

    Two books have passed through my hands(kindle) recently, that deserve your attention.
     One is, Barefoot In Avalon and the other is The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
Barefoot In Avalon is not for everyone. I happen to read every book that is ever written about mental illness. From Autism to OCD, Bi-polar, Social anxiety, depression, cutting behavior, eating disorders, all the above, the soup dejour of brain problems, that my child had. I still after I have lost this battle with Ward, desire to see what others have done, in similar situations. A mom always thinks she can fix everything, and I still search for answers. Its a true story, its tragic, and real, and no answers were found.
  The second book, is The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I want all people to read this, men and women. (surely women are not the only ones doing the tidying up? right?)
  I confess that I picked this book, because it had been on the best seller list so long, and I thought, who the heck is reading this??? I figured it was a self help book for cleaning out closets, which I can always use. This book is so much more, yes it is about cleaning out, organizing your space, but it has a certain mediation running through it. A zen experience on how to throw away, give to the goodwill,  or sell your belongings, without holding onto so much SHIT!!( I could not come up with a better word!)
  If you know me, and I hope you do, I have stuff, much stuff that I love. OR....think I love. I get baskets to hold the stuff, and its sits on top of other stuff, so this book was calling my name.
 There is even a chapter on folding clothes, that I found fascinating. I know what you are thinking, Bon-Bon has gone to the dark side! You have to read this book, we are all connected, even our belongings.
 So I began my journey, in tiny baby steps, just looking under sinks, where I still have a baby potty and no baby! I started with some candles, that just had a little wax left in them. I had twenty!!! so I took them out, no one wants these, I thought?? but there is a little life left in them!! So I lit them all up, Pumpkin, Christmas, Easter smells, all at one time! My kitchen island look like something from Rosemary's Baby.They all burned for an hour or so, and the smell was amazing. The glow was just beautiful, on a drab Monday morn. They had served a great purpose, and I think that is what the book was telling me. You can't just purge and throw things to the wind, you have to thank it! them! and say goodbye, it was lovely.( Then my cleaning lady wanted all the glass containers!! so we celebrated again) ( she makes her own candles, I wish I had thought of that!!) ( that would mean more stuff for me! yikes) Now I will tackle the coat closet , we do not need thirty coats crammed into a small space, this is going to be hard. I'm ready to tidy up......( I still have a stuffed animal that I got in 4th grade, this is going to be fun)

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