Monday, August 10, 2015

And The Wheels On The Bus Go........

   I will never understand going to school in August, it makes no sense. My husband said, there are six more weeks of summer! If that is true? no one should be in school.
  In Hot Atlanta this morning, the bus wheels were turning, hundreds of big and little kids, crawling on board. I remember this day, every year for my kids. I wanted a tiny bit of free time, but at the expense of what? Why can't they go half a days, until everyone adjusts? WELL IN Japan......they go to school 24 hrs a day, seven days a week, blah blah blah, some say.
  I could teach them so much more, we had more weeks to explore, adventures to learn. BUT THEY ( who is this they???) want to be with their friends, and try out for sports and  use a new pencil!??? I know all of that but in August?
  I loved school, ( OK, never math, but I know Iam not the only one!), I liked new clothes, my friends, books and my lunch box. I was never tired at school, mom always had us in bed early. In fact first grade we were required to take naps, and I never could!! I was probably talking or reading a book, Mrs. Miller was never happy anyway!
  Middle school, was different, I still liked school, but this puberty thing, was way tooooo much. Throw in Boys, and my grades went with them. From straight A's to a few C', but back in the day, that was big. As a girl, thinking about starting your period, was mind numbing angst! PE uniforms, were made by the devil, Middle School was a huge learning curve, but I still liked school, we went after Labor Day, it made sense.
   High School, I triple loved, cute clothes, cute boys, best buddies and school was pretty good. Still loved English, reading and Spanish. History came in second, with Science and Math trailing. Home Economics, horrible, but it was the end of the day, I had plans to make!
  I still love school, I continue to take classes. I have had two wonderful careers, really three with having babies. I would choose having a family as my best class ever, and its year long and NEVER stops!! and there is seldom recess, but it is the best.
  These mornings in August, my favorite month, pull at my heartstrings.
   I remember what they wore, what they were doing in school, all of their teachers names, and that big yellow bus that took them for so many years.
  When Ward, my first was going to half day kindergarten in Yardley, Pa. (after Labor Day) and his first bus ride, I told him, " I will be waiting for you, they will drop you in front of the house, it will be great, you have a name-tag on!" He was so scared, I thought I would die. That afternoon, the bus went right by the house, and I saw Ward in the window. I jumped into the car, and  followed that bus, it turned at the next street, which looped into our street, somehow the driver knew! ( He could see a crazy lady in his rear-view mirror) I pulled up beside, him and yelled out the window, you forgot my son,Ward!! He shook his head, and off walked my baby. I looked at Ward and said, " Your mom will not always be right, a good first lesson, but I will come find you, that is for sure!" I held him for a good hour, he had passed out, from fatigue or I had cut off his air supply.
  School is the most important thing, making good friends so important, learning how to navigate people, huge important lesson, but in August?
 Hart, my second out of my body kid, came home from school in AUGUST with all of his hair cut off, because he was hot!!! Emma number five, Malia and I ( next door neighbor) had them in year round, we were fried by then!!!
  School is in session in Georgia, and there are five more weeks of summer.
  And the wheels go on and on and on..........

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