Wednesday, August 5, 2015

They KNOW....

   In the deep Southeast, there has been a shift in the morning temperature . Even now, its around 77 degrees and I think it is around 10 am. In my world, that means there is a chill in the air. I choke at the thought, but I think the early mornings have been in the 60's. In fact, as I look out this window, to my right, the day looks different. I knew it! I knew when I saw the cat, climb into the bay window.
  They may not be a tsunami, but they know fall is close.
   My animals have a set schedule for seasons, that they have developed.
   In the fall and winter, they come sit in the windows for warmth and sunshine, and sleep on fleece blankets.
   The spring and summer, puts them flat on the hardwood floors, for coolness and they only go to the windows at dusk, when the hot sun is going down! They betray me, I have winter animals, how will they spend their golden years in the Keys with me?
   Even the hubs, has just this week, started wearing long sleeve oxford cloth shirts!! For two mornings now, I have asked, " Why the long sleeve?" As he is walking out the door, (many years of marriage!) " I have to meet the parents of upcoming freshman students, and I want to look nice!" ( Parents go to college to meet professors???) ( Georgia Tech kids??) ( I left all my kids at the dorms, fraternity  houses and apartments)( they are graduated and became wonderful adults) ( I don't need to know your professors, ever!) Well, I may have gone off task....
   I continued to tell Dr. Bill, the hubs, " You see, I told you the cat was right, fall is coming!" He patted my back, ( he takes good care of me) " Bonnie, it is six weeks until fall!" My head spun around like Reagan, ( you should know who that is) " AND that gives me no comfort, six weeks is short, its nothing in time, plus the cat says, four!"
  Its my birthday month, I need hot August, there is no room for crispness in the air!
  Panic has not set in in, but my friend just wanted to know something about a good pair of winter boots!!!!
  I need all of August.
  Let me get off this machine and go soak it up, and watch the animals, They Know. ( I think I just saw a squirrel gathering nuts! Damn it!) ( I typed in Hot August Nights in Google Images and it gave me Neil Diamond!!, nothing could have made me happier!!)

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