Friday, August 7, 2015

Spread Thin

   I have No Words for what I watched on TV last night, except that I am Spread Thin over all this debate mess. The Republican few had a big debate last evening, some at 5 and some at 9. I think it is my duty, as a voter to listen to everyone, even when they are not my party. I don't believe in their plan of action, but they still deserve my respect for the process of picking a leader.
    This thing last night, was rude, disrespectful, awful, embarrassing for the Republican Party. What has happened to our process of a good political debate? The Republicans have no one to run, and we have Hilliary! Mrs. Clinton comes with enough baggage to stop a train, but at least I know what she has packed in her bags. The Republican party is like all the clowns trying to get out of that little circus car, pushing and shoving and no one is laughing.
    Normally I steer clear of religion and politics, but its all in our face with all of these electronics! We are a country divided along the lines of, who believes the photo of the baby missing its limbs? ( That picture has been around since the early 70's people) What if we called Planned Parenthood, The Woman's Center? The Woman's Health Clinic, that supports women's rights to their body? Most of the abortions are done in fancy, rich doctors offices under the code of D&C. Planned Parenthood, does so much good.
  This political hoopla is a carnival and I don't see anyone selling cotton candy OR funnel cakes. I think I even heard Joe Biden is thinking....Stop It Joe, just go out with a smile. Let, "House of Cards" Hilliary run, or Donald Trump, (is this a joke), my shoulder and jaw are starting to twitch, which happens to me under stress.
   I tell my beloved, " Turn it off, or I will need physical therapy!" He did and we meandered up to bed. Bill falls to sleep in one second, but I was wound tight. I turned on an old movie, where people were polite, spoke so sweetly and may jump into a song at any minute. I was sitting up in bed, praying out loud, "Dear Baby Jesus ( felt the need to call all), Joseph, Mary, The Sheppard  and a few wandering sheep,
        Thank you for my bed, and hot and cold running water ( another blog about a mission trip without these things, I always thank god for them!!) and Adult Jesus please, erase the image I have in my brain of scary men talking and acting ugly! Please fill my head with good thoughts, and maybe Fred Astaire or Lenny Kravitz, Thank you for loving me, night"
     I heard Bill laugh, and say, you are so funny ( remember I pray out loud!), I patted him and shoved the cat over to his side. This is going to be a long political bad climate, and I have to pace myself, Iam sooooo SPREAD THIN.

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