Sunday, May 3, 2015

Life Is A Series Of Fat Tuesdays And Ash Wednesdays!

      Last weekend we were in, the mosquito incubator, of the world. Florida also may hole the title, its that Satan's humidity that they love. AND..since we are talking about Satan....I love the humidity also! Mosquitoes don't bite me, or my father, I think our skin is so tough, they go to the next person! Oh, I forgot to tell you, we were in New Orleans, for a Bridal Shower. ( If you read my blogs, which you should, you could connect the dots) We roamed the square, and the air had a little chill in it, but the sweat began to pour.
    I'm convinced that is why people drink so much in these places. One to stay hydrated, ( I think alcohol is not a hydrating beverage! Just go with my story!) and the other to survive.
   I love the people in New Orleans, they are creative ( again could be alcohol?), I love the buildings, and the food is over the top delicious. They eat crayfish, which I think is like a minnow, it needs to be thrown back, However if you catch enough, they can make a yummy dish, when added to tons of other things.
 Along with hooch, hot sauce runs through their veins. Another of my favorite things. When you think about it, why eat hot things, in a hot place? Only answer, alcohol!
   Seafood is abundant, as it should be, Louisiana is like a drainpipe for the States, water flows down, and the state is below sea level, way below! Lordy do they have seafood, their front and back yards is under water!
  I think I forgot to mention music, my heavens, they have music that wails. The Blues, the horns, the soul of the city of New Orleans, is music. Street music, bar music, Jazz festivals, it blares from the open windows of the French Quarter. Mystery, Music and Pleasure walk the streets, and a party is had by all.
  The art work is rural, and extreme, honest and alive. I saw a wooden sign that said, "Life is a series of Fat Tuesdays and Ash Wednesdays!" and that about wraps it all up nicely.
  Voodoo, and Jesus, live hand and hand. I like my voodoo dolls, wearing a cross, sitting next to Mary and the baby, I feel protected from chickens and Satan!
   It is a melting pot, of history and the pains of mother nature.
   I hope you get to see it, and feel it, and should her some love.
   You will come away changed, not always for the better ( choices!) but changed.
   The city is alive, and owns a piece of my heart. 

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