Saturday, May 23, 2015

My May Muse

   David Sedaris is my muse on so many occasions. So when he recommends a book, I snap at it.
   And....he never disappoints...god bless unusual character quality in a human! ( plus, if you know him, he picks up trash all over the place, every day on his daily walks!!) ( love him)

  I thought since I have not mentioned reading to my readers, that I should do so today.

 We are on countdown to The Wedding, mixed in with spring, summer, kidney stones, and concrete!
 My reading has dwindled to a couple of books a month, maybe three if I try hard, so much is going on.  Planting tomatoes, and flowers, photography and painting consume my time. If the sun is shinning, I will be near it, lathered in sunscreen, and happy as a clam! Reading will still find a way, and what a delight to have two good books to tell you about.

  The Undertaker's Daughter by Kate Mayfield and The Splendid Things We Planned: A Family Portrait by Blake Bailey

The first, I read in honor of the Cox Family. I respect anyone whose family is in the undertaker business.
I knew before I opened the Kindle!, that this was going to be a jewel.

Here are some quotes;
     * the obituaries, which my mother proofread with a  magnifying glass like Sherlock Holmes! ( Mary B)
     *My mother, intolerant of noise at any time, was perfectly suited to this line of work. ( I think I may have missed my calling)
     * He addressed most people by their first and middle names, as if to remind them of their whole selves. ( The south is forever doing this!)
     * She could beat a horse down to its knees with one of her prayers! ( Amen)
     *She has never lost her melancholy charm. ( We love melancholy in the south, dripping with sweat!!)
     * Somewhere along the line of development Evelyn made a sharp turn and never looked back!)
     * But when it comes to death, all bets are off, they come flying out of the corners, unleashing emotions that have been pent up, decorum out the window!)
     * they either combust or they are buried deep in the grave ( secrets)
      * there is nothing calm about her
      * we had an awful lot of God in our town
      * I'd felt more air circulate inside a mausoleum than in a school classroom!
I highlighted something on every page of this book, it is rich and yummy.

The second book, which I am still reading, is turning out just so darn good, below I will leave you with some pearls.....
       *cuss out his best bird dog, then pet him as he would a child.
       *The disinclination was mutual
       *who looked as though she excreted marshmallows!! ( a great line, no girl ever Poops!)
       * Weeds don't Die ( a great blog title that I will steal in the future)
       *her frantic smile dissembling some pretty complicated emotional weather
I love emotional weather in people, that is where the stories are. The south, to me, produces the best.
These are two books, that cause you to take a breath and wish that you had said it! wrote it! thought it!

Yes its summer, and so much to do, you can still bring a friend. A good book or three!


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