Monday, April 27, 2015

Country, Rap, and Jesus

      Yes, that is what my one and only daughter Emma said. While trying to locate radio stations on our trip from Atlanta to New Orleans, the queen spoke, " Country, Rap and Jesus, that's all they have!" And me, being me, said  " Well we are covered!" and (I have lost track of the sentence!!!!) she hollered " I know you will use that in a blog!" ( How right you are princess and the pea size stone!)
     Each day is so exciting, so much material waiting for me to write about or paint, or photograph!! I lead a charmed life.
    We, Emma and I, were headed to a Bridal Shower, for my favorite son and his chosen one. We had decided to stop in Mobile to stay with favorite cousin Leigh-Leigh, and break up the journey. Plus we wanted a " Spend da nite" party. Little did I know, that we were going to hell in a hand-basket, but I should have known! We had already visited the ER earlier in the week, for Emma and her stones. So by Thursday evening, we were due for another ER trip. Alabama hospital here we come, with Emma Screaming, Leigh praying and dialing numbers, and me, quiet. My cuz, has no children of her own, but she owns all of ours! She is the true mother of all. We screech into the hospital lot, and "Rambo Nurse Ratchet", RNR, went in taking no prisoners. The little guy behind the check in counter said there were no ER beds, and RNR whipped out her phone, " Do you know, Iam the director of student nurses at South Alabama?" and little man began to spin. A crew of people came , gurney in hand, to my Emma, as if she had Ebola! Back she went. Of course, with us in tow, until they said, mom only. So I went back and called Leigh, Text.....I need a phone cord, come on back....#crazymom.....she bounced past the guard, and the nurse looked at us, and at Emma , speaking softly, " OH, OK" I looked at Leigh and said, " She thinks we are married, and have adopted this child from India!"......" We are Lesbian cousins, married in Alabama!" The screaming began, we laugh VERY LOUD, and LONG! I know they had flogged the chart with a red flag! We went from warrior moms, to crazy moms in less then sixty seconds! We started to attract an audience. We were doubled over, and wanted Ems meds! How can I explain to you, the reader, that my cuz took a plastic vomit bag, and extended it to look like, well.....she got my attention, " This is King Kong's Condom" and " How did it end up here in our room!" I think she examined it very closely, because she then said, " The King has cum/come!" Was she talking about Elvis? or still The Kong, we were loopy. Then this Doctor came in, to comfort us, and do some explaining, in a language unknown to man. It was as if he were playing Hamlet, or King Arthur in Camelot, very strange way to describe the urinary tract! I hung head, to not let him see me laughing, then Leigh let it rip, Howling laughter.  She, in her southern way said, " Oh, we are so sorry, we are just GONE!"
( do all people know what GONE means?" Then she continued with, " Oh, you know, we are punch drunk happy!" ( Now I know we are in need of a translator!)
  Emma mumbles, " Could you understand him!" and we started all over again, done GONE!!!
  After arriving back at her palace, RNR said, " This always happens on trips, holidays and vacations."
  I lifted my head off the bed, and spoke, " Yes, I often plan a hospital visit, in each state. At least a drive by on a road trip, makes for a good story, as long as I have you Leigh!"
   Next day, we drove on to New Orleans and I received a text...Tornado warning in NOLA, Cuz, what the heck is happening?" I forgot to tell her, that I also like a tornado thrown in every now and then.
   I looked over at Emma,( I had to drive, she was drugged up, after passing that stone!) and said, " Put me on some Jesus music, this is going to be a longgggggg weekend!"
   More to follow......... 

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