Saturday, May 16, 2015

Purple Haze, Little Red Corvette, Lucille, and Kurt.

 The above title to this blog may baffle you, but if you are a music lover, probably not.
  Starting last week, I began a look-see into several musicians.
  Some by chance, and some by fate.
  Again, my ride, is a wild one!

  My number four son, and favorite child told me that I should watch the Kurt Cobain documentary. So when my best friend Susan was here, and she loves music like I, we started to watch. Note we watched whenever we took a breath from talking. After a few minutes, we stopped, and shook our heads at the sadness we had seen. Later in the week, I watched it again. Horror filled my heart, and wonder at his gift, left me with a strange sense of "why". I hate too many "whys", they consume me. One documentary is not enough, then I have to read three books, to help me see the big picture, and the big picture is never there. Drugs, alcohol, surrounding yourself with loser people, will never help you crawl out of the whole, yet....there is his music. Amazing.
As the week continued, I heard early in the morning, that the beloved B.B. King died. He lived a long life, so I was not sad, I was so happy that I had seen him live, and he had lived in my lifetime. His Blues could lift you up or take you down in a minute. My guitar gently weeps, as George would say.

Then I got to thinking about all the guitar genius people that I love, and on top of the list is always and forever, Jimi Hendrix. I combed Netflex and found a new film about him, so my research began. It was an enjoyable movie, in showing his shy self, however it never showed his prowess on the guitar. It was his early years, and his playing was always better then the best, I just wanted to hear the songs of my heart.
His sexual being, played by Andre Benjamin, was nice. I think Jimi's sexual tension, was probably palpable, and for sure electric! and people that was without the guitar plugged in. Jesus, he was a master, and drugs were his master. So happy to live in his lifetime, and have his music. My heart is full of Joy!

I finally. I think its Saturday, settle down and turn on the telly and, PRINCE is on , in Purple Rain!
I look around the room, to see if anyone can figure out, why I am having these wonderful experiences with all these greats. From acoustic with Kurt, Blues with B.B. and Lucille, Jimi at Monterey, then Prince! Holla at your girl, this has been a week of guitar playing giants, pioneer singers with their own style, and they are mine!! Well, they have been with me all week, it has been lovely and I am purely drained.
 You can only handle so much great music, said who?
  I am going to crank out some as soon, as I purge my love on my blog.
  Music heals me, thrills me, consumes me, music is me! My soul sings, and this week has been filled UP!

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