Sunday, May 31, 2015

All Good Thongs Must Come To An End

Thank you R.M. for the above blog title, its a good one!

This is either a blog about flip-flops or my son's upcoming nuptials, you decide.

Maybe I can marry the two ideas?

  Soon my baby boy, is going to be married. In New Orleans, in June! ( pause and gasp, thinking about the humidity!) ( I know)
 My DIL to be Nicole, asked me what kind of shoes I will be wearing for the outdoor, June, hoopla? I told her flip-flops, and was serious. I bought some silver ones, so don't judge me yet! She responded with a " To the WEDDING?"
 "It is in a park, my dress is long, no one will see my feet, I do not want to fall! and it is June in New Orleans!" oh sweet almost bride to my favorite child.
" I thought you were wearing the teal little slid on heels?" Nicole continuing the confab!
" Oh, I forgot about those, OK, I will put them on for the pictures, and carry my flip-flops.", said I, the adoring MIL. ( Now I have to find a bigger purse to carry my gear!)

 Compromise, is a new thing for both of us, but its working. ( I will take a picture of my cute shoes, both pair!) ( soon to come)

Some people call them thongs, I think I have always called them flip-flops, and my panic button is rearing up to anticipate winter waiting for me! and Its just going to be June! How long do I have to be free of foot claustrophobia, socks, boots........I want year round foot freedom......Key West is calling me.....maybe no shoes is the answer.....So I will wear my flops at the wedding and rehearsal dinner and to the pool for as long as I have. Yes I have some black cute slid on sandals for the rehearsal dinner, flops will be in my bag! that someone will be carrying! ( thank goodness for my brothers and having all these boys! and Bill!!!) ( trying to let Bill enjoy the wedding, as much as possible!) ( BUT wife and momma come first, all my girls learn this lesson early on!)
  As for my thirty year old baby boy, whom I nursed until you told me, THEY were empty! Love your wife, like dad has loved me. Be sweet most of the time, and if you feel mean, go run or clean up the garage. Help your wife, clean and cook, it takes a village ! not one person. You have been the best baby , toddler, teenager, grown-up human ever, keep it going. Being married is work, period. Have fun and laugh everyday, hard! Laugh Hard! Listen to all kinds of music, and fill your house with love. Plus do some service projects for others, its good to take all direction of of yourself and help others, I think that is why we are here. Love the God that makes you happy, whomever that is. If you vote Republican ever, which I know you wont, but if that happens, lets talk! The apron strings are now cut, but there are threads that will always be wrapped around my heart. Nicole, he chose you, that is a wonderful thing. Love each other, and laugh, promise me, you will laugh. Take care of what was mine, ( OK he is still mine, he is on loan!) ( OK, he is yours, baby steps) Seriously, you are both so lucky and blessed.
 See you soon, at the park, in June, wearing......many kinds of New Orleans with the chicken voodoo people, spreading love and joy!! Lord have mercy, I can smell the gumbo and hear the music, its a Baron/Charbonnet wedding, and people will have a blast. ( would say something in French, but that would require me looking it up and that is not happening, so Grab A Beignet! Bon Temps? Geux be happy?

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