Friday, June 12, 2015

And The Brass Band Played On

    We may not all settle down, after the New Orleans Wedding, but we will try.
     The return to normalcy, to each of our own normals, is welcoming.
   It was a wedding for the books, and I choose to remember the best parts.

   My kids, all grown and cute, stood out among the multitudes. I think all mothers, probably think the same thing. Not often are we all in the same house, town or country, so this was nice. Brian, so tall and loving every minute of a party, he lead the parade. Keith, quiet and steady, sweating like someone who lives in New Hampshire! Hart, the groom, excited and nervous. ( I was not really going to TWERK!?) Ward, with us in every thought and heart. ( I carried his picture with me, down the aisle. He was never far from any of us)
Emma, taking care of so many, she looked beautiful. Kelly, Emily and the new Nicole, help round out the Baron Family. It was a very exciting time for us, to celebrate happiness.

I had many favorite things, too many to mention, so I will mention two. ( how can I only mention two?)
   The brass band, playing jazz and dixieland music, as we walked down in the park. It was fantastic. No wedding music, or terrible singing, just good music to celebrate love. For one second, I almost started to sing, but instead tapped my feet for a long time.
   Second favorite were the trees in this park. HUGE, OLD, Oak trees, bowed as we strolled down the walk. Moss hung long and low, on every thick branch, it was breathtaking. You wanted to tip-toe, around them, they were the star of this show. I will never forget them, never. The oaks stole my heart, dripped in humidity, and the brass band kept it pumping.

Joy was in the park, that sweet day, and for that I am thankful.
May all weddings have hope, moss covered trees and a brass band to start your journey.
Hart and Nicole, it was grand.
We love you both, very much.
Keep marching........

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