Saturday, August 1, 2020

August Arrives

  I love the month of August.
On the very first day, each year, I celebrate being here on this planet.
Even during these strange days of germs galore, trouble in the big house, and a hurricane skirting the east coast!! I am happy, as a clam, to be another year older.
68 sounds mature, wise and charming. That is what I will choose to think. My body makes cracking sounds, with just the turn of my head!!! I think I may have some worry lines about my face, but those could also be years of extreme laughter. I just took some Tylenol to get ready for my present tonight, my 3 and half year old grandson, Wyatt the flying monkey and rodeo clown. The toddler, is spending the night, and his UMA, that's me, is ready. We will play with every toy, go up and down steps a million times, play the piano, too loud, eat all night long, and sing every song we know!! We have adventures planned, bugs to find, water to swim in, balls to kick, hit and throw. He will be asked to go to the potty 400 times, and he knows to only pee in the ivy, where snakes live!! He makes me laugh, hard and long. Happy Birthday to me. ( I wish Adrian and Finn were here to help) ( but they are probably making hot date plans with girls and their friends, out on the boat!! Uma was young once, she understands!)
All my favorite people are August people or at least summer birthday folks!! I love um, born into the heat and humidity of life, makes you different. Strong, fierce and beautiful!!! My two boys, from my body, are end of August darlings. Made your mamas feet the size of shoe boxes!!! Summer pregnant women, have sweat on top of sweat!!! My daddy, when Ward was still inside me, told me, I looked sick!! Poisoned, yellow and huge!! ( gotta love Homer for his honesty!) Two days latter daddy told me, I had the most beautiful baby boy, and maybe he would drive to Yardly to see us now!! ( I flew home)
My girl is September born, and she leans into fall weather, but we love her still. The beach is her happy place. My older two bonus sons, February, tooooo cold for babies, and June just made it into the love fest of summer. Love all my children, the best five humans around. Smart, creative, strange, loving, calm, loud, and awesomeness, makes my 68 feel pretty darn good. One, I survived them, and I like them, so much!!
This whole blog was suppose to be about my beloved freedom fighter, John Lewis. I went south with this story. I will tell you more about him later, after I go see his burial place, and kneel down, and thank him from the bottom of my heart. I fought hard for civil rights, for many years, I will not stop ever. I am still that young girl, fighting for equal rights for all people. I heard you John Lewis, I will continue to march on, all 68 years of Bonnie left in me.
I will end this blog, on this August hot day, with a line from Mr. Lewis funereal, LOVE becomes the way we live, we will not be quiet. OK I have never been quiet, and love fills me up!!
I will double up on Good Trouble, and look forward to how many days the good lord gives me.
August is love, you had better believe it!!!! Just ask the sun!!

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