Sunday, July 19, 2020

Yolanda, Yogurt and Angels All Around Us

 It is a Sunday in July, and I sit here, hitting all the wrong keys.
My fingernails are so long!! Covid long! Filed and painted, by me, old school long!! Almost Hollywood, Oscar carpet walk long. I have to cut them, but not this second. Or if you are reading my blog and there is a long pause, manicure time has come early.
I miss my nail people, whom I have had for thirty years, but I am trying to be safe. Mary mom is in the house, so I am extra careful. Bill, the hubby thinks, I do a good job on my nails, but what does he know???? He is just happy to have a chunk of money back in the fold!!
Little did I realize a few months back, that I would be the one giving up all the fun stuff!!
( Not true, but a small rant may be brewing!!)
I think I will be turning 68 soon, and now have been cooking like the ghost of Julia Child!! I need restaurants to come back, or my family to embrace a smoothie!! ( I like to cook, but go with my theme here!)
I am a blessed person, even during this cacophony of people, politics and idiots.
We have been going with mom to doctors, pretty often, these days. Each time, mom and I have a look that we share with each other, like "Did you see that?" "Did you hear that? Did you feel that?
Yolanda, came into the room, with a light following her. She came to take mom's blood, and left us with her gift of joy. She had just turned in her two weeks notice and was moving to Valdosta. New job, kids were grown, needed a new church, perfectly good reasons to flee Atlanta. Yo asked mom if she was from Florida, and we asked how she knew that? YoYo told us, "Its all that gold jewelry." (Mary may sport a ton of it!! down to a toe ring and anklet!!!) We laughed, and she said we were talkers!! All Florida people are talkers, is that true? OK, maybe so, there are always stories to tell, and listen too. This beautiful, black walking, talking, probably Jesus!! left the room praying and loving us. Mom and I looked at each other, with tears in our eyes, and I said, " What the heck was that magic!!"We were healed, at least, for the day.
 Same week, different test, cat scan man and football player in the waiting room. Took us to our knees. I was a little angst at how many people were in the waiting room, even though, all masks were on. Mom had closed her eyes, all this stuff takes a lot out of her, and I just need extra meds!!!! ( may be a run on sentence, or entire story) ( my angel daughter, said I was not blogging enough!)
So I took up a conversation with this darling man child, across from me. " I see from your Tee shirt that you play for West Forsyth,  and your hair is beautiful." ( Yes, I said it, Florida people talk out loud) This bight light of a young man, and I had a conversation that needed to be video taped. We discussed the world, and I needed him to know, that I was counting on him to save us." ( his mom was beside him, on her phone) The cat scan person called his name. Mom chirped up, " I could have listened to you and that child talk all day." Holding my hand over my heart, " I know, right, he was so smart and level headed, and had beautiful long hair." " He will do great things in this world, I know it." Tears in our eyes, again. Then cat scan man came for mama!!
I hear a few minutes later, " Is that her, over there, thinking she is a teenager on her phone?" Then mom squeaked out, "Bonnie!" " You have to meet this man, he is delightful." I hugged him and thanked him for treating my mom so sweet, he talked a lot, wonder where he was from!! Mom and I rolled on to the car, freaked again, of such good humans. She said, " I could have stayed there with that man, all day!!!" I had to laugh, it was an enjoyable outing, we were healed for another day.
I told Mary mom, you know I have to write about this fantastic stuff, and she said, " Don't leave anything out!!"
I try.
So I end on this note, of being blessed and kindness goes a LONG way.
Also, I am forever eating yogurt, my favorite thing in the world!! I asked my darling life partner, if he thought I was addicted to my beloved yogurt!!! ( I have eight different kinds in my fridge, right now, NOOSA lemon, is top on list, this second) The Hubs said, " There are worse things to be addicted to! You are good."
Like I said, Blessed !!

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