Tuesday, August 18, 2020

You Row Forward, Looking Back

I need a litany, a rosary, a sutra, a mantra, a war chant, to get me through each day. I wake up, asking Jesus to make me an instrument of peace, and its fleeting!! These are very disorienting times.
As always a few things, surprise me, delight me, amaze me, and sustain me. Thankfully.
A lone beautiful apple, dinner with entire crew, the back door open, sunshine, rain, books, visits with mom and beloved Bill, Wyatt reminding us all to enjoy this moment of toddler time, ( run on sentence makes me happy also!)
Smells of my perfume from France, and Jo Malone, both with mimosa and cardamom infused.
A sharp pencil, and new watercolors, a finished painting and one ready to do, clean sheets, and my cleaning family that has been with us over 20 years.
The Obamas, Michelle's speech, last night at the DNC, caused me to fist bump the air, and have a moment of clear headedness, ( is that a word)
Glad Bill and I are retired and able to care for mamasita in our home.
Reading BackLash, pausing between paragraphs, to check my heart and mind. To make sure I am a good human, and have taught my children to do right in the world. To remember that being quiet, keeps the sustainable racism going. My actions, are important, words, thoughts, will be heard. I hope everyone reads this book, stays with it, knowing it will, maybe, make you uncomfortable, hopefully. It is a must read. 
Mary Trump's book, not a must read, because I knew almost all the information about the man and his family. I guess that is why I was surprised that anyone that I knew, could vote for him. Placing him in this office revealed so much, and its not pretty. I read the book anyway.
No one knows how the election will turn out, I just am thankful to live in a country that I can express my thoughts and you are free to yours. Homer use to always say, " Bon, are you happy with the person, you see in the mirror?" 
Yes daddy, I am.
Brainpickings on FB is a wonderful site, I can not praise it enough.
Its free, you can donate if you choose, and its spirit lifting. If you like poetry, literature, artist, smart interesting thoughts. ( has helped me, in this covid solitude)
Also Chefs Table, on Netflex, ( I think that's the name)
 continues to fill me up!!!! It is total meditation about food, and our relationship with it. Fantastic.
Also hope you get to watch, CNN( I think) United Shades of America, by  Kamau Bell. All seasons, but this one now, is mind blowing, and important to our being whole.
Lets see, I truly don't know what I was going to write about, maybe growing my hair out gray, and each day, thinking, this is not going to work!!
Oh sweet people, keep paying attention, work hard for each other, read and enjoy the last of the summer tomatoes!! There is a crispness in the air this morning, change can be hard, but necessary.
Adaptation may come in the words of Beth Dutton, or Mr. Rogers, listen to both. 

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