Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Is About To, Kick Up A Fuss

       I do hope that most calm people, enjoyed The Masters yesterday. Golf is not a sport for everyone, but I love it. I love to watch it, never played. Homer (daddy) tried to teach me once, that is a whole other story. All the Blackman (maiden name) men play golf, and play it well, me, not so much! I think it had something to do with a bra size in the D's at age 11, again that is a story for the ages, and another day! As my thoughts wander, I go back to the tournament. Georgia in the springtime is utterly breathtaking, The Masters was brilliant in all its bloom, and the young man who won, adorable, squeezable, a Master with a green jacket.
  Spring is here, in Georgia and it comes with a glitch.
  Pollen, freakish in quantity, and kicking up a fuss! Yellow thickness blankets Georgia, and I say "Ha" I go outside anyway. I open windows and doors, and sing out loud! The air is warm and I have an inhaler in my pocket!! I am not one to suffer in silence, I do complain, I hack and cough, rub my eyes and whine! But I head outside, as soon as possible. I need to "take it all in", the sounds, smells, the colors of nature in its peak glory. They have allergy medication for each and every plant know to man, but this Georgia yellow pine pollen is rough!
    Right now, I recline outside on my deck, writing this blog in long hand, wishing all the people I love, could sit with me and soak this all up. I have tissues, joy is best when shared. We could wheeze together, and listen to the rumpus of birds and chipmunks.
  Sun warming my skin, and my scarlet eyes water as I write. Now the tears, gotta go inside. One it is all so beautiful, and an irritant at the same time. Much like life, amazing.
 The Saturday has been creeping, its only 3:00 and so much left of this day, but what a day to write down my thoughts. ( Iam typing this on Monday morning, with the doors open and clamor of birds is a symphony to my ears) ( note our AC does not come on until much later in the year, I have been waiting for warm weather! doors open!!)
  Spring gives me energy and hope, even when it is covered with a veil of yellow.
  I hope wherever you are, you take a minute to enjoy the seasons. They come with flaws, just like us, but what a thrill to be a part of it. Enjoy your day, this day, all of it. Breathe it all in, and take a pill! if needed.
Spring is magic, and I am sitting in the front row.

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