Sunday, April 19, 2015

Imagation Is Its Own Form Of Courage-Frank Underwood!

     Yes, I am quoting Frank Underwood. To be sure, he is a famous politician, in my imaginary world.
Bill and I have been watching House Of Cards, and looking across the room at each other, with crazy in our eyes!! I think this is the real politics, or pretty near. I trust no one, like no one, and think we are all going to hell in a hand-basket! Politics is such a hot mess button, in any conversation and with this new Presidential election coming down the pike, I am pulling the plug.
     At 62 years of age, that would be me, ( Emma, only daughter, says I am 63 or 65? lord...daughters!) can not handle all the igno's  ( ignorant people) that will be posting all over Facebook, twitter, 24 hr news, and Dr. Phil! I don't have the energy and time, to educate people and/or excuse them, of bad choices. I think I still believe in the two party system, but I have doubts.
   Yes, I am a bleeding heart liberal, whatever that means. I love my party and all that it stands for. Yes I will likely vote for Mrs. Clinton, ( future Golda Meir) even though she looked the other way alllllllllll these years. Yes I would vote for Bill Clinton again also, I care nothing about a persons sexual partners, if they can run the country. Do I trust Hillary? as much as I trust Frank Underwood!  I trust my party, and that is what makes the two party system. I assume that if you are the Other party, you feel the same way, you stand by your choices and your party. I repeat, I seem not to be able to change your position, so I will have to let you go your own way. Is there not some verse, that says something about good intentions?? and paved with something? I suppose you think your system works, I just think it works for the rich people, and I have a problem with that. Your party has a problem with gay marriage, or maybe even gay people?? I would support a gay president, a transgender, a Jewish Rabi, and an atheist. If they were strong, and kept us out of wars, and people had jobs, and women made an equal amount of money for the same job! For the love of Jesus, why is that such a hard concept??? I believe in Ellis Island, and The Statue of Liberty, we are a nation of people from all over the world. We can not close the gates, it will not work. Its not who we are. We are different, we are loving people, we are smart and good and kind, we are not House of Cards Crazy, or we are? I will not debate this any longer, I will work on myself, to make me the best person I can be.
  I will distant myself from Facebook for a spell, post my blogs, a few pictures here and there, but my political views, not going to happen. You know me, you know my beliefs, I know yours.
   My form of courage is to step away for awhile, I will be downstairs painting and sending loving thoughts out into the universe daily.

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