Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why Was She Dancing?

  No reason.
Just alive, I guess.
                      -George Saunders

 This morning, during my second cup of coffee, I had a moment! ( I have many moments!) This thought, made me smile. " I think it is September!" thought I, out loud.
I know it is September.....but maybe I forgot....that means I was still in August and it was perfect.
I continued the talk with my self, thinking, " Gosh, I need to blog, I like to get in at least one a week, and could do three, with all my material, but I have other needs!" What haven't I shared? as of late?
     My trip with my daughter, Emma, to see Ed Sheeran, was life altering. ( she would say, "that would be everything to you mom!") (Hmmm...) Can I help it, if most things in life bring me so much happiness!?
    I could tell she was nervous, when I said, " Oh an aisle seat, now I will have more room to dance!"
I am a dancer, tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, fox trot, tango, slow slow slow dancing, ( like at the youth center! in our tweens) Am I a good dancer? Who would be judging me? I feel the music and let it go. Yes, Em was nervous, but with a smile. She did say something about a certain way I was holding my hands, and I explained that I was holding them up to the lord! Because "I had been to the mountain top! with Ed's music"
Seriously, I grab my heart when someone plays a guitar from his toes! This was a one man show, he took me to the aisle! and sister girl, just let me go! It helped, I think? that Mr. Sheeran said, that what he wanted most of all from the audience, was utter abandon, dance and sing as much as you want!! I looked at my child, and gave her a look, " I am so IN!" It was a beautiful night, and we ( notice I said we!, I think she! may have moved a little!)( She did sing all the songs!) were drained, with joy, as we found our way back home.
   There are some things, that don't require a reason. I think dancing and singing is one of these things, just do it! Release those pent up demons of stress, put on some music and shake your groove thang!
  Or pretend you are slow dancing, to Johnny Mathis, or Surfer Girl by The Beach Boys. I know you know the words.
  Get out of the box, and listen to Rap and Hip-Hop, there is a depth behind the beat and words, that we need to hear. Buy some tap shoes, there is nothing better, then to make some noise!!
 Two songs that I loved this summer, Cheerleader by Omi,, just so awesome and....I Can't Feel My Face by The Weekend, you have to know and hear these, and sing and dance, and think it may still be August!
Just Because.

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