Monday, September 7, 2015

If I Were In Charge of the World?

     I have learned many, many years ago, that I am in charge of nothing!! Not really, I think I am in charge of it all!! At least this blog, and my thoughts on the subject!
         If I were in charge of the world
         I'd cancel oatmeal,  ( not true, my favorite)
         Monday mornings,
         Allergy shots and also Sara Steinberg.

         If I were in charge of the world
         There'd be brighter night lights,
         Healthier hamsters, and
         Basketball baskets forty eight inches lower.

         If I were in charge of the world
         You wouldn't have lonely.
         You wouldn't have clean. ( I love clean!)
         You wouldn't have bedtimes.
         or " Don't punch your sister."
         You wouldn't have sisters.

         If I were in charge of the world
         A chocolate sundae with whipped cream and nuts would be a vegetable
         All 007 movies would be G,
         And a person who sometimes forgot to brush,
         And sometimes forgot to flush,
         Would still be allowed to be
         In charge of the world.
                                           by Judith Viorst

   Poetry comes in music and children's books, like this sweet poem, from a well read, Terrible, Horrible Day of some kids day. Do you know the book? I hope so. Alexander hopes so.

  After my last blog, where I mentioned my high school English Teacher, I pondered all she taught me.
        I learned some of The Canterbury Tales, by Chaucer.
                                 When that April, with his shovres soote
                                 The drought of March hath perced to the roote
                                    it, I shall not type the entire Tale!
        We had to recite lines from this jewel of a piece, and still find a date for the weekend! Did Miss Wells understand our lives!!!! Then she threw in Macbeth, for weeks on in. How could I write notes to my friends, and love Macbeth, but I did.
              I have from that class forward, hung on Shakespeare's words, To-morrow, and To-morrow, and To-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day.

      Shel Silverstein, to Sylvia Plath, E.E. Cummings to Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou to Emily Dickinson,
the list is long and rich. Take the time to read something different, find your JAM, so to speak.
      September change is coming, you can feel it in the air. Now reach for a book of poetry, in the cool evening of your fall, or read a child a book. YOU ARE IN CHARGE, believe it.

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