Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Is That Smell?

  I am sitting here, in Florida, at my parents computer, in a cave of darkness!!(they don't turn on many lights!)
  Both of my parents, whom are 84, are not well. My daddy has colon surgery tomorrow, and I, at this time, am on duty.
 There is a smell in the air. Not the deep smell of humidity that hangs over all of Florida, but something I can not put my finger on.
 My parents home, is not where I grew up, so its not the smells of my youth. My mom does not cook anymore, so those smells are gone. The smell of Pledge and Pinesol are long gone, the heavy cleaning days, behind them. What is that smell?
  It is the smell of age and experience? Does that have an odor? Do memories retain a smell, emotions? Does peace of mind and heart smell?
  Yes, we are worried about dad and mom, maybe concerned would be a better word, yet we continue to laugh, and have a calm about us.
  I love to look at them, their pale eyes that look so far away, I think about what all they have seen, and if at this time in their life, fear rears its ugly head? The wrinkles and crippled gait, move slowly, but still forward.
 I believe I smell love. The love of a child, and her parents. The love of years gone by, and love to get us through this time of pain. Does love smell? I think it does, with every breathe we take, knowing and loving people. Loving friends and family with all the flaws highlighted, and still we love.
 What a tapestry of life these two have pieced together, I can smell it and its LOVE.


  1. yes, friend, it is the smell of love. love that has lasted for decades, forgiven so much, forgotten so much, and still is a sweet, comforting remembrance. xoxo

  2. I love them. I love all. I am so glad you came to help. I am overwhelmed by the fact of how many people it takes to take care of 1 person. Uncle Homer and Aunt Mary.....all of y'all, are very special people. It is bittersweet...seeing the love they have and now are in need of care and attention. They wrote , "The Notebook "!


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