Monday, July 6, 2015

A Room With A View, or Just A Window.

  When idle, I will move furniture. That was the problem, or solution this July weekend. People all over, are cooking potato salad and trying to put on their red, white and blue. Flags are hung on every conceivable pole, as they should be. Its a grand parade of July happenings. All my kids were busy, so hubby and I were left to our own imaginations. I stirred together some food, its what we mothers do, and brought out the red napkins. We looked at each other, one minute too long, and I said, " I think I will start moving some paintings around." The box was then opened, " How about that table and chairs in Ward's room, I could use for a desk, in the computer room?" Hammers, and humming began. I always see, or think I see a vision. Nine out of ten times, its awesome. My record remains in tack, with my throat closing up. You see, change and I are not always good neighbors. I like where my stuff is, and I don't let others touch my area. ( They do touch, but a fuss may ensue)
     We had some pictures, we took in Belgium that got lost on one wall, so I took them to a hall. Fresh white enamel( I love shinny) walls made the photos pop, and I hung them all in a straight line from ceiling to floor.( maybe I will take a picture to show you, or just trust me, it looks perfect. Two pieces of an old, old, painted green fence, I also moved to another wall. I have no idea where it came from, but it spoke to me, " Where had this fence been? and who had loved it before me?" It is weathered, and worn and a piece of art.
  Now one wall in the den is empty and that inspires me, to search for something to put there, or frame some of my art to hang, so many options. It is good to change the view, occasionally.
  If you follow my blog, you will know that I always type in the kitchen. The light is heavenly coming in a big bay window and it connects to the screened back porch, that also is a sanctuary to me. But the day was young, I needed to try and type from a different spot.This is so hard for me. Most people take their computers all over the place, I seem to only be able to write in one place in the house. My family, thought, that if I was closer to our main computer, it would be a faster hook-up? ( I don't know computer talk, but my computer was very slow) So here I sit, in Bill's office, computer room, as I call it.
  The table feels good, I have enough space, and I like what I see. A window to my right, with light shinning in on me, to my left past the hall and stairs, is the dinning room, that I never see much and I love it. Lucy the Lab, is behind me, which is always a plus. I see oil paintings of my boys on the walls, and a shelf with all the clay pots and vases all my children made over the years. ( some of my most cherished pieces) There is a bowl, a pink depression glass bowl, holding glass perfume stoppers! ( I find the strangest things at antique stores!) that makes me smile. I wonder why someone saved the tops and not the bottoms, of pretty glass perfume bottles, of long ago. I guess they knew someone, one day, would love to have them! Your welcome!
There are all the prints from Matt, framed going up the stairs, of Brian Andreas art, that he bought for me, when my Ward died. I read them each day, and I look at them now, in this new spot of mine.
    I think I will like this place of writing, it feels like home.
    Change can be good, even if we fight it all the way to another room.
    Bill and I had a great 4th of July, at least from where I sit now, I can share this all with you.

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