Sunday, June 28, 2015

Paris Clothes

  I have been in a creative slump, a mini one, but it has concerned me.
  The wedding is over, I can think, yet.....putting paint to paper...I feel stuck.
  The weather is perfect, and I think that may be the culprit. How do you just paint, when you need to be out in the sunshine. Yes I could drag all my stuff, out back, and I may, but.....moving stuff around can also, stop my progress.
  This morning, I was thinking about my little problem, and got out my Paris uniform. Black shirt and pants(shorts) and ruby red lipstick ( I wear that all the time, but this morning it was with a plan). I feel inspired, I feel free, and I have that itch, to explore my art. Its my clothes!! wearing cute colors in the summer, sandals, matching earrings, little dresses, stop my mojo! No wonder Europe has so many artists, they paint to see the colors, they don't wear them. I am waiting for my family to say, " Mom, why are you all in Black?" Its coming, that is a fact. This girl is ready, " I need to paint the colors, I need to see them on the paper." How do you explain art? Often I will paint the same picture, with different mediums, and at different times in my life. I love to see the differences, and remember how I felt while painting. I can look at the picture and tell you, about me. I hope all the art you look at, you can see the person, know the person, from the photo they took, to the brush stroke that was used. Art is amazing, and we are all artists, trust me.
BIG LEAP......
  My farmers market is full of artist. My lettuce man, arranges each piece of lettuce in a bowl and it looks like a big rose. All kinds of colors and shapes of leaves. The flavor of farm to table is art. This summer, the lettuce man, inspired me.
  A friend of mine from high school, travels with his wife, all around the world . He takes pictures, that will take you to your knees. Singular shots of beauty, in all corners he travels. His work should be in galleries, he is a master. He inspires me.
  A friend of mine from high school, preaches, and fishes with a voice and hook from God. He is a storyteller, and an artist. He has a "fish tale" that will inspire all.
  This week, our supreme court, became artist, they changed the colors of perception.
   Also the stars and bars, of a long ago flag, is coming down for the right reason. Not to diminish our heritage of being southern, but to be put away as a reminder of what was wrong. People can inspire.
  We are all artists, and some just need some old black Paris clothes, a few precious friends, a country that embraces change, and time.......take time, to love, and look around you....its a masterpiece.

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