Saturday, July 11, 2015


   These numbers probably have some meaning to many baby boomer humans.
    We grew up in such a time of great change, and it was grand.
    Was it difficult, yes, as much as any teenager, but we had Omar.

     Lawrence came out in 62, Doctor Z in 65 and Funny Girl in 68, these were building years for me.
     Years to be molded and changed, and I had Omar Sharif.
     He was young, and beautiful, and oh so not the local surfer or high school football star.
     I loved Omar, and I think there may be others.
     10, 13, and 16, these were my years between angst and awesome.
     Omar made me swoon. There were scenes in Doctor Zhivago, that changed me. I had to remind myself to breathe, when he said "Laura". Then in Funny Girl, when Fanny looked at Nicky, the world stopped spinning. These were huge love stories, for a young girl learning about love. I wanted my heart to stop, when someone touched my face, I was a born romantic. Even in Lawrence of Arabia, I was a little torn, because of my love for Peter and Omar. Mr. Sharif won out in the end, second only to Robert Redford, and oh so many others!! These men of the movies grabbed at my heart, and held on for the ages.

   Yesterday, I was stunned during lunch, when a dear friend just casually mentioned, "Oh isn't it sad about Omar Sharif??" dying??!!!!" My other friend and I hollered, "WHAT!", " What are you saying!" We put our hands to the heavens, and reminded Natty that you have to warn us of this kind of information.
  Mr. S is a part of our youth, our DNA, he is our person!!! She old is Natalie?
  She is our baby friend, whom we adore, and are thankful that she had older sisters! So we feel like she knows, but.........did she love him to the core.......would have traveled to Egypt.....if he had just asked....
  I have just been spent since I heard the news, sad that he is gone, but soooo thankful for having him to love.
  I will watch his movies, forever, and try and remember that young girl from so long ago. I know she still resides deep in my soul. Mr. Omar Sharif, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
AND Bernacious, slip us a quiet note next time, we are old, and our past loves live high on a pedestal, and I am a firm believer in not knowing so much is a good thing!! ( I have blotted out all of this death talk, surely he is still alive!!) ( love you girls) ( lunch was awesome)

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