Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Weekend at Bernie's or Rosemary's Baby?

  I have not blogged all summer or early fall, my plate has been full-UP!!!

The husband, had Aortic aneurysm surgery, in his lower abdomen, sometime in these months.

He is doing good, me, not so much!! Nerves shot!! but thankful for sure.

AND my daughter, one and only, became pregnant, yeah, and went into the hospital in Tampa, for seven weeks, High Risk for anything to happen. They sold their house, moved in with, The Parents, ( that is us!!) She continued bed rest and weekly, high risk doctor appointments, her husband started a new job.

I have no nerves left, they left the building.

November 19, Baby Jack was born, after a long, horrific labor. Beautiful black hair, tiny miracle baby.

They should be leaving the hospital today, I hope. Photos to come, after their little family, makes the birth announcement. There were several health things going on with mother and baby, but I think today, they may get a green light.  (You know in the back side of my head, I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall) My devotion for the last several days, weeks, months, have told me, in faith, to trust my lord and do not worry. I tell him, that I have left all my worries at the foot of the cross, and that is just not happening inside my head!!! I love Jesus, and he knows my heart, but I have tried to teach him about my anxiety scale!! I look around the room, and ask him, " I know you are here!!" " Can you just put your hand on the back of my neck, and release that shooting pain of stress running up and down my spine?" He smiles a lot at me, and I think hands me over to Mary, who tells me, " Go get your beads, Bon!" " Pray without ceasing." 

Thanksgiving is here, and honestly, I don't know how it got here. I have very little memory of summer; I think it may have been super-hot.  

My brother Benjie and his wife, Linda were just here, which is always a blast. In fact, this was the second visit in just a few weeks, He knew, sister needed him. Both Bill and Linda, our better halves, hang onto every word we say. Every story we tell, and we have a million!! they look in awe of our ability to remember, embellish, act out, and fall out in fits of laughter. 

From swill runs, on the back of Poppys truck, to visiting graveyards every Sunday, this was entertainment for people in the south with no money!! Of course we had the beach for free, and church, those were out other social activities. We had no air conditioner, one bathroom, and played outside until the street lights came on. We would compare bug bites, and any other cuts or stepping on nail stories, to see which kid had the best day. Our Knees looked like a war zone, from skating, and we each had a story to tell mom, why we did not need to go to the ER, or want mercurochrome spread on us!!! I was the oldest, so I got the bath water first, then Trudy, last the boys got the same water, and they could have cared less!!! At times, yes, we even took a bath where they cleaned hogs, it was a thrill!! How clean we got, well, I would say we sparkled!!

All my aunts and Uncles gave us so many stories, Benjie said I did Aunt Frances, so well. I told him Thanks, just as she would have said it!!" BEN-JAY DARLING CHILD, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, PRECIOUS ANGEL.NOW HONEY, CAN YOU GET MY PACK OF CIGS, WHEREVER THEY ARE!! OH SAL-LAY WHERE ARE MY CIGGIES!"

OK, now the title of the blog, I started in June.

My only political opinion, period, 

I would take Weekend at Bernie's (Joe) set him up in a corner, and have strong people to help him, or us, make good and fair policies for the nation over Rosemary's Baby (you know who) Satan in the flesh. Or his demon companions. 

Someone on Facebook, recently said " What are you all scared of?" I wanted to say, " Iam scared in every cell in my body that you would ask that question?"

OK Political rant over, I cannot take on all this chaos right now, I have a new grandson.

I need my strength, four grandsons for Uma.

My neck feels a little better, thank you Big Man in the Sky, don't go anywhere, I am a work in progress, and highly favored, I know. Blessed and I will pass it on. That baby in the manger, reminds me every day, that the cross is empty, and I have a friend in Jesus. LA-ORD STAY CLOSE!!! ( I do sound like Aunt Frances!!!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Haiku To You, Minus Two Marbles

 I never blog in the afternoon, so hang on!! This may go off the rails..

Library visit this week, 10 random reads, because no reason. My Kindle has 10 books to read at all times, because it makes me nervous not to have a list going!! Ready at all times.

The library was great fun, Hubs looked up the books for me, and yelled the numbers that I should be looking in!! There was not a soul in the place, but we were kinda loud. (Old Person rights!!) " IS THAT 809.2" ?? whispered me, nah!!  " I found it, now look up poets, of all kinds!" its a small library, he was only a few aisles over. I need a card catalog system, the computer looked sticky!!

I got this one book on Haikus, and I have so much fun. I have always liked a good Haiku, the 5-7-5 rule. I never knew that it could be random lines or even one word. How it is written on the page, it is just delightful.  Subjects, techniques, forms, allusions, all to the beat of the drummer, writing them.

It's a living genre, enjoying its evolution.  

The Book is Haiku in English

The First Hundred Years by Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland, and Allan Burns

(Yes I have dog eared the pages, I will iron them back) 

Ezra Pound

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;

Petals on a wet, black bough.

Gunther Klinge

Indian summer. 

Even a small affection

has its urgency.

Scott Montgomery

her silence at dinner


hanging in the wine.

Ann Atwood

dead center

in the center of her flowers


Jane Reichhold


taking a dirt road

to the end.

I could go on and on, each page a heart stopping sigh of beauty. E.E. Cummings wrote his vertically.

There were a few 5-7-5 Haiku's, but it was rare, and isn't that wonderful,

 evolution is amazing, even in poetry. Caroline Kennedys book, She Walks in Beauty. Long, long poetry, but beautiful ones picked from her heart. Some of these books are old, but poetry stands the test of time. Thank you, Mrs. Wells, for guiding me to love it. (and I forgive you for sending me downstairs so often for my dress or skirt being so short!)

Now turn, the other morning, I was putting on my face, and had a great idea about my art studio and I was running it by Hubs, he liked it also. I went into my other bedroom, (I have four upstairs, that are now mine, all the babies have gone) to get dressed feeling pretty smart, when I looked down at the dress I had on, and it looked funny. I felt for the tag, I had it on right, it was off looking. I started looking around the room and there it was, MY BRA!!!! I have worn a bra since the third grade, I do not know what it is to not wear one, and I forgot to put it on!! I said to myself, " Well, you are two marbles short today!" How many marbles are left? I need to hang onto to these pearls rolling around in my head. I put on my bra and the dress was perfect, I just laughed, and thought. Blog material, its all a story, every word, thought, movement, good or bad. It doesn't have to have the right number of syllables in order, its all good. Just write it down.

Life people, you control your narrative. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

BARBIE MOVIE, Thank You Greta, Next Time Throw in My Hamster, Snowy.


  I have some issues, phobias, quirks, but they are all mine and I claim them.

One of them is movie theaters. After the massive shooting, a few years ago, I feel nervous.

I watch people, I have a hard time paying attention to the movie, I have even left a movie, just overwhelmed. Has it stopped me, not really, but it did steal some joy. My life has always been at the movies, my father loved movies. He took me to see Davy Crocket, at age 5, I think. Took me home, because I had to go to the bathroom, and I would not go in the bathroom, by myself. (so maybe this movie issue started earlier then I think!!) We went to the drive-in, a lot, again during The Birds, poking out people's eyes and Dracula, I wanted people to walk with me to the bathroom!! No one would, Dad or Mom, I think they thought they would miss something. Mom usually caved, but it was daddy that usually would take us, so we were on our own.

All my dates and friends time was at the movies, it was our thing. Then when James Bond and other mature movies would come out, we all would go, and the first curse word, mom went to the lobby!!

We all stayed and watched the film, and she would be so angry, that we did not follow her cause!!

Everything was not The Sound of Music!!! 

Back to Barbie, I had been putting it off, but one day, I told Bill to get ready, we are going.

Midday, few people and I was ready. I have a very personal relationship with Barbie, I remember the day and time of day, she came into my life. In the black and white swimsuit and high heels, beautiful.

1959 or 60, not sure, but it was my birthday and I have never believed in waiting for the day of, to get your present. So I would ask, and beg, for my early gift and I think Trudy told mom to just give it to me. (God Bless Her) It was the begining of a lifelong love of Barbie. 

So, when the Movie began, a few minutes in, there she is, my Barbie in her swimsuit, big screen size. I had to clutch my heart, and tell Bill, "There she is."

Then there was the Barbie car, on the screen. My Barbie car was on my side porch, where I played because the concrete floor was so cool. My hamster Snowy was out there also, so he played Barbie with me. In fact, he took over my Barbie car, moved in!!Took all his food and floor shavings into the floor of the car, took over. Forget his cage, he was living large. Until the next day, and I noticed Barbies foot was chewed off. I sent him back to the cage, and went out back to hose out his junk, so Barbie could ride again. All of her cute shoes were worthless to me now, but I still like to see them and touch them, and remind her even one on one foot, looks pretty good. The sunglasses were the bomb!!  Her purses, clothes, hats, and then there was Ken. Maybe came that Christmas, but I can tell you the truth, he did not look like Ryan Gosling!!! I would watch Ryan sleep!! Ken not so much, his hair was like fuzz painted on. One time I tried to get some ink off his face and went up into his hairline and there went the hair!!! My Ken was always just a friend. I think Barbie may have liked my brothers GI Joe better. Barbie and I did not need Ken anyway, Trudy, my sister, got Midge one year, and she came to live with me. Trudy hated dolls, and her sister, ME, loved dolls and stuffed animals. The Movie was silly and joyful, and their bodies moved like dolls. I loved seeing all the Barbies grow into great careers and still be beautiful, from farmers, to doctors, teachers and astronauts, Barbie was and is, perfect. I think even her boobies changed through the years, to please all of us who have, and have not.

I loved the movie, and My Husband loved the movie, and if you didn't like it, that's ok, I guess you never had a Barbie Doll like mine. I love the dancing and singing, and an hour or so, of lovely childhood memories. AND who doesn't like a PINK movie!! Delightful, thankful for Greta and all the cast, for taking a big chance, my heart is happy. 

Now Mattel, if you can make a Ryan Gosling doll, sign me up!! I know there is a Barbie doll in my house somewhere. Maybe even one with both feet!! I still love you Snowy.

She finally stopped going, and Daddy too. TV had all that they wanted.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Books and Barbie, with A Hamster Thrown In


 Summer is in its last ray of glory, August will be here and gone in a blink.

My husband, however says, that is not true, summer is just beginning??? He is from Buffalo, New York, no more words needed!!!

I have lived at the PT building all summer, sciatica, knees, shin splints, throw in a little ankle pain. All left leg, after a few falls. Have been in pain flux for about two years, ( feels like thirty) but this guy, my PT person, is helping soooooo much. I can not move a muscle right now, just fingers!! He has hands like my brother Tommy. Big and Strong, maybe too strong, but he just smiles when I spaz out!!! I had dry needling, and it worked, so we will see. I think I may need to be hooked to two horses and pulled, in different directions, Mr. PT thinks that may be possible!!!

Now back to my blog, after I get Bill to put a fan in this room, I need circulating air.

I have read two books, in the past month, two ready to go, are Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls and The House We Grew Up In, by Lisa Jewell. Demon Copperhead, finished and Women of The New Testament by Joyce Koo Dalrymple.

Barbara Kingsolver, my favorite author, for her first, say five books. She got married, and I did not like her next four or so books, broken hearted. My penpal, she was off my reading list, until Demon Copperhead, I gave her another looky loo. For thirty pages, I told my husband, she is back, I'm so happy. Then I sat out back, on the deck, for a binge read and I looked around outside to see if someone was playing a trick on me. Where are you going in this book, Barbara? I kept reading, it was torture, not a highlight that called me to save. I did not care about the characters, or reaching the end, but I did. I could not grab hold of anything, but I will share the beginning.

1. Most families would sooner forgive you for going to prison than moving out of Lee County( or Duval!)

2.Teach Satan some cute puppy tricks, while you're at it.

3.Could spend the rest of my life asking which it was, suicide or accident. No answer on that line.

4.Face like a country ham, chest like a cement block.

5.If you ever met a middle school girl, you know what they are: volcano eruptions of bullshit.

6. It's football. Take that out of high school, It's church with no Jesus.

7.I was living like a flat tire. kyarn, rotten meat. ( My father used the word kyarn a lot)

9. I was counting up hardships nailing me to the cross I'd dragged down this road.

That ended around page 47, the flow and the adjectives, stopped. The similes, metaphors, logic, character development, over. Not Everyone gets a Poison Wood Bible in their lifetime, but her early books, I have read several times. God Bless her, for 47 pages, I still think, she is a brilliant writer, just not this time.

Other book I picked up, was to support a friend's sister. I thought it was a book, book. Reading, but it was a workshop book, lessons, questions and work!!! I frowned, but dove in. I love a good course in learning. This book required me to get my Bible off the Mantel, and read someone's words, that they think Jesus may have said. I was very proud that women were even mentioned in the Bible.  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are basically the same story written a tad different. There were other books in the Bible that you needed to look at, so that helped change it up. I think I will send the author my book and answers, I study all religions, I like to learn. To just answer questions about The New Testament was enjoyable, but my answers are probably very different than people who believe that the Bible is the holy word of God. I don't fear God, or think that he would judge who needed his help first, as in the Lazarus story. Mary the mother, Mary Mag, sitting at Jesus Feet? We have to remember the times that these stories were written in. Serving food and cleaning his feet were probably what men expected. I don't know for sure, I just know, that some people followed him and some didn't. I do follow Jesus, he knows me. My life was not changed by this book, but it was a very nice, looks into women in the Bible. It caused me to re-read many books of the Bible again. I still think that Mary told Joseph that this barn, is the pits, and tell the kings and Sheppard's, to take off their garments and make my baby a bed. If an Angel comes down while you are sleeping, to tell you, that you are carrying the Christ child, you don't just say, OK!!! She believed, Blessed Mary that she was/is. I tell The Good Lord, daily, Thank You for dropping me in the time period that you did!!All the women in the New Testament should be Sainted!! In fact all women period!! What a force of nature and joy, we are. ThankYou Joyce, for reminding me of that. Now my question to you? Will you do an Old Testament Women in The Bible book, I'm in.

I have been too long at the keys, so I need to wrap it up, Barbie and Hamster will come tomorrow.

I promise, and thats Iffy!! I will get to it. Its written, and good.



Sunday, June 18, 2023

Char Cooter Tree

 Charcuterie, I give all people and objects new names.

Perlotta, Bernaious, Tetanus, Squiddly, TrudyBell, Worm, Leigh Leigh, and the list is long.

Neighbors growing up, Ladies were first name or Aunt Dot! No relations. Willa Mae, Jean, Patsy, some men too Tom, Arthur, Homer, Doug. The "sir "and "mam"

 thing, did not sit with me. I knew at age 4 that we had lost the war, give up some of this stuff. We often, and still do call cousins by both names, Nicky Brown, Tommy Simmons, Tommy Blackman, Mike Ross, Jane Anders, ( sometimes leave off married names!! Some friends have many names, Brooks Anne, B.A., Bird Woman.

Now in my young seventies, I am even more freely calling things whatever comes through the word center in my brain, and hope for the best. Now you have to get on board, when I use one word to describe a movie, book, food, and I am so happy.

Me to Bill, " What was the name of that movie, with the blonde guy in it?" " There was water and birds, or ducks, or swans?" " I'm not sure you even saw it?" " Well, he is in a new movie, I want to see". Bill replied, " What Channel? " Softly I speak, " I don't know, I cannot even remember his name." I tell him its ok, let me get a sip of water. " Blondie from, The Notebook!!" Bill, " You want to see the Notebook?" " Oh for the love of Jesus, NO, what is Ry Rys name?" 

Ageing gracefully, nada.

Mothers Day, Bill had all my blogs put into two volumes of books. Published my fantastic thoughts, words and deeds. For about 14 years, blogging away, was a therapy tool for giant, on the floor, grief. Then it continued to just be a diary of such, daily life, that for some reason I just wanted to put down, and I did. 700 pages in first book, 400 in second, I told my kids, that all he really needed to do was print the titles!! That is a book on its on, I was howling laughing at the Titles, and I cherish them. Some of you may have even given me the title, you will not be be receiving any money, for the books are only published for me, one copy, Reese Witherspoon and Orah may get the PDF file, you never know??  You always had the ruby slippers on, you can read all my old blogs, on my blog, just go to each year. 

So, I put these huge books on the dining room table to read, and so much heartache and laughter,

engulfs me. I remember each word, the way my body felt while writing them. Life is hard, you  just have to work with it. My Father, Homer Blackman, Sonny, Daddy, Pop Pop, gave me my sense of humor, and for that I am so grateful. Adaptation is real, or you are stuck in past mistakes and heartaches. Thank you to all whom have been a huge part of my life and may or may not be in a blog or two or twenty. Just this past year, number 2 child, Brian wanted to know when he would make it into my blog!!! I felt like he has been in a few, but I will check. Some may not have liked all that I have said, and that's OK. Your choice to read or not read, there is no Ban on my blog, But don't share with that Governor of Florida, what's his name?? De Santa Maria?? Del La Bad hair dye. 

A few weeks back, I woke up at 5am, a little late for me, dropped a tiny red pill on the floor, ugh!! I will never find that. I found it with my foot, and picked it up with my foot!! Very skilled and happy.

5:10 am found a lost natural sponge for painting, that I have been looking for a long time. Count me happy!!

5:30 light comes on, Thank you Alexa, for being in charge of all the lights in the house!! Plus, Plus.

5: 45 ish, Tennis on TV at our house, all day, everyday. Glory comes in the morning!

6am I like the watercolor piece, I did yesterday, Joy in the process!!

Still 6 ish, husband brings me coffee in bed, daily, Coffee and Husband are great.

I am just letting you know; you are in charge of the narrative. Pay attention, Ooze thankfulness,

Start your day off good, Optimistic!!! You cannot succeed your way out of pain, Bruce Springsteen!!! 

Love Love Love 



Thursday, April 6, 2023

Call Me Rose

This is a blog I wrote on Wednesday morning. Still works for today. 
Rose Kennedy went to church every morning, after she locked a few kids in the closet for time out. Today I am Rose.
Wednesday on Holy week, I need church every day.
Rose from The Titanic could have rescued Jack. What about the missionary position? I would have saved you young Jack. Today Iam Rose.
Gypsy Rose Lee, the name says it all. Momma Mary told me, " Only Gypsies and Street Walkers (not zombies, Bay Street Hookers!!) had their ears pierced. Today I am a Gypsy Rose!! 
Rosa Parks, Yes I will sit anywhere on this bus period!! Rosa you are with me today also.
Rosemary Clooney, Rose M, you are coming to church also, we both know that I can sing like the bird that I am. "Come on to My House!" (Thank you, mom and dad, for turning me onto Peggy Lee, Rosemary Clooney, Patti Page)
Early in the morning, these thoughts are rolling out of my head, I sprint from the bathroom to find paper and pen.
I return to the bathroom for slapping on my makeup. I holler to Bill, the husband, "I need to go to church!" There is a 9am service, wait its 6 am, I can make the 7:30 rapture of Holy Week. Lipstick on!!!
Today my name is Bonnie Rose Baron, just call me Rose for the day. All these ladies will have a candle lit today, A candle for all women. My relatives, friends, living or gone, will be lifted up today by me.
Last minute add on, Purwin's Ro, I got you girl!!
I will be on my knees, in thanksgiving for all my blessings, prayer, grace, sacred, holy, anointed words and offerings. I will also carry my electric lighter, its faster!!!!! 
Its Holy Week, Passover, take time to listen. 
(did I get to church??) ( Yes on my back deck, planting flowers) ( but I did lift you all up to the holy sky) 
Today is Thursday, church, no, will go Saturday, I like the quiet on Saturday evening.
Make church where you are standing, and in your actions. 
Life lesson for the day
Bonnie Rose

Friday, March 31, 2023

Momma Said, "............................."

          "If you kaint say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all!!"(really mom??)

Daddy said, " Lay IT ALL out on the table!!" 

These precious people, so different and both right. Miss them everyday.

This past week, my cousin Becky died. Some knew her as Ellen, Rebecca, Mom, Sister, daughter, friend. She will always be Becky to me. A few months separated us in age. An entire lifetime separated us as adults. For all my life we were stuck together at the hip, I think Adah ( Aunt ALice Brown) liked me to play with Becky all the time, so she would not fight with Nicky, or herself. Oil and Water, sometimes just does not mix.

From birth to maybe our late twenties, we did everything together. 

Spent most of my nights at Bruce Street or Becky at Kenmore Street. Rode our bikes back and forth to each other's houses. Church, whenever the door was open!! I think we may have been the only children to have Reverent King stop the Sunday night service to tell Mary and ALice ( our moms) to come get us, we were laughing too much. Also on many a Sunday church service, we called out hymns to sing, Old Rugged Cross and In The Garden, or I come to the Garden. We never changed our choices, never. Dr. King would soon not call on us, but this went on for a long time. Movies, Beach, Lake, Camps, Chorus, School, Farm, everyday together.

Becky was an accident waiting to happen. From birth, momma said. Hardships, and toll followed her. I think she followed it. Lost her eye, with a sliced phone cable wire, using it for tug of war. Took a hatchet to cut wood one day, half of her foot damaged. Fell on escalator, and knee kept going into the grate at the end. Car wrecks, Horse and dog bites. Fights that go down in history, mostly with family members. Dear Elizibeth, the maid, our saint, would hide with me, when they got really bad.

Today we would say, she was a hot mess. I need you to know that she was also The Best. Strong as an ox, gave of herself, to whomever needed help. Enjoyed practical jokes, that would scare me to death. Slept late everyday of her life, late, late, late, to everything. She was a very good singer, and could have been a good teacher, but could not wake up. Playing mermaids at the lake, for hours are sweet memories. Spending so much time, just using our imaginations, reading, hide and seek, deep in the ivy. (no one would find us) Climbing on wire trellis for the wisteria, and never knowing if it would hold us. 

I have almost thirty years of good memories, that I will hold onto.

As marriages, children, entered our lives, and distance. We became strangers.

Or just long, lost cousins. Mom would update me on all Brown activities, and coming down several times a year, I would see Becky in passing the big house.

I know her first child, but not the others. She knew none of mine really, I guess just stories. We would meet at funerals, some weddings, big birthdays, but never again would we sit and talk. At dad's funeral, we hugged hard ( Becky was a good hugger) and she whispered to me, "Thank you for the money you sent to help me with my sons cremation,) i whispered, I am so sorry that you and I are in that club of heartache from losing a child. We kissed and continued on. At the end of the service, the minister said for the family to stand and pray together, somehow, I think mom, as usual had said the family was at odds with each other. Big families, it happens. So we all held hands,  I think we were saying the Nicene Creed, when someone from way in the back, comes up and puts a big hand on my back, no words, I knew who it was. Becky's seat was so far away because she was late, but she was going to go up front with the Fam!! I turned me face half way to her, and said "Can you hear daddy complaining about how long this service is lasting?" and we had it down to 8 minutes!!! " We both tell each other not to laugh!" Here we are again not listening to the preacher, we just had to grab a moment for ourselves.

I never saw her again.

Her daughter texted or put it on face book, I can't remember, that Becky was going to Hospice, Cance had been a beast. I texted Allison, whom I do not know, except by name, to please tell Becky I love her. Allison texted back, I told her. Becky had packed her bags of earthly life and knew her peace was coming.

I knew Becky loved me, and she knew I loved her. Through the years no one could rescue Becky from Becky. Maybe we were not suppose to. Her Sisters and children have always been there for Becky. Jesus held her hand, all her life, not just at her leaving. 

We send you home, to rest and regroup. Eyesight restored, and no pain.

Much love was carried on your wings to glory



Saturday, March 18, 2023

March With Me


 I keep prayer material in every room in the house. Beads, bibles, devotional books, how to pray better books, world religion books, notebooks and pencils, I need structure in my constant state of prayer. (Im praying right now, to remember to get my nails done, they are clicking on the keys wrong, and I am thanking God for curse words!!) God and I have a hand holding, deep conversation relationship. He knows I talk to Buddha also, to help center me, to pray better. He (or she?) knows that I like all the parades and flowers in Hindu religion, Judaism, Catholics, I will worship with all, and believe in Jesus, all at the same time. I thank God for my desire to read and learn even into my seventies!!!!

Also, in each room of my house, I have furniture that you can "fall out" in. My back is wacked out, left knee, and entire left leg, it is not a fun thing, so I fall out a lot!!

Sitting at this computer, the sciatica pains are running up and down, so this blog maybe a little iffy. Any pain makes thinking about other things hard, but I am hanging by a thread, Crushed in spirit!!

Losing Ward at age 24, crushed me and those pieces will never be in the right order again. Losing Mom(Mary) recently was not so sad, more joyful. She too, had been crushed by death, my sister Trudy, Brother Tommy, and her beloved Homer, my dad, plus her first grandchild, my Ward. She was broken and 91, so grief consumed her. Jesus called her home, and she is with Daddy now. We rejoice at their reunion. I bet Jesus has not seen her yet. Daddy is refusing to go to the Big Altar, and mom will not let go of his hand. Im praying for him to just say hello, to the person on the right hand side of God, and refrain from any questions. He knows Gene Autrey and all about The American Indians!!

Now if you know me, and I think you may, none of this was in my blog for today. I What words come to this page, just shows up.

And maybe you will find a little pearl of wisdom, a laugh or cry, I just have to write my thoughts down, so I don't keep paying for a shrink!!!I tend to sway, and it works for me. 

Now the real blog was about singing and songs.

I sing all the time, another form of therapy, for sure.  

I wake up singing and I never know the song, it just comes to me. This am, From a Distance, by Bette Midler began and I smiled. I like this one and I had to look up all the lyrics to do it justice!! (One of my sons, said that I remind them of Bette Midler

, I told him, I know you mean all the good singing!! He who will remain nameless, said no, The crazy Mermaid stuff! Well OK with me)

" From a distance we all are instruments, Marching in a common band."

Sing it today for me and think about our common world.

What instrument would you be playing? I am playing and marching with Yo Yo Ma!

A Cello!

Make me an instrument of Peace and improve my voice Jesus, when you get a little time.

When mom was in Assisted Living Place, I would go down her hallway singing loud, and she would Holler!! "I hear you coming Bonnie, and we would both laugh" Sometimes she would not know me, but most of the time she did, and she would rave about my singing, which only a mom would do. 

A renewed spirit is just one song away.

Booming voice and extended notes, puts the broken pieces back in some order. Not the right spot, but still in a good place.

Happy Saturday All


Sunday, January 15, 2023

BC Powders and Vodka

January has always been a time for doctor's appointments. I assume it is just easy to schedule things starting at the first of the year. August seems to be another full month of health things, that is my T and A looky loo. Dr. Bill and I are both very healthy, so that helps. This age stuff forces you to venture into the medical facilities more often.

I have high expectations of medical offices and personal, Very High!!!  

This week we took Bill to have some outpatient surgery, that required me to wait. Which is fine, I bought a book with me. When we arrived at the office it was the size of a phone booth, and the seats were horrible. The receptionist was eating a bagel and handing us some papers to fill out. They took Bill back, and asked me to come as well.

Now in this room, there was a great chair, on rollers. Comfy, padded, my sciatica and knees were smiling. After a few minutes the nurse told me I could go wait. I hesitated; Bill looked at me with dread. I kindly said, can I wait in this recovery area room? Nurse said, "No." I then asked her if I could roll this chair out into the closet outside these doors? "No" was her answer, again. I also asked if I could sit in the car, and they said, "No" you need to be close to sign discharge papers. I said I could sign them now, the answer was "No", So I sat in sadness, walked up and down halls, read my book, took an art course online, and ate my granola bar in front of the receptionist.  Bill was fine, but I could barely walk out of there and I was his driver.

Small details, like decent chairs help your patients, and maybe eat your bagel at home, people coming in here for surgery are NPO, and comb your hair!  Maybe I was just hungry, but they could have let me roll that chair out, I was the only person in the coffin, seriously small. 

Now that was my rant for the week, next day was my orthopedic doctor. I go into the office, and it is beautiful, couches, chairs, tables, TV's, magazines, hand soap, my happy place. My third trip this month!!! Beautiful light fixtures, and the three receptionists are sweet to a fault!! and I am happy. I wait my turn, and she says, " Now darling, sugar baby, precious who are you here to see? Allison, we are on first name basis, Thank you.  " Well, there you are in the computer, and she will be coming to get you soon, now have a good day."  I may have told her, I loved her, and went to my heavenly seat. I like to scope a room and to my delight there was a woman, about 89, in a vintage Hells Angels Outfit!!!! Not only am I happy with office and personal, I have entertainment. She was a loud talker, and I was not near her, not nearly close enough, to be in her glory, but I was tuned in. The couple across from her, were about to freak out, when she hollered, " ARE YOU IN PAIN?" Note the man, was in a cast up to his, well...lets just say, long cast!!  and he whispered, not too much. My granny angel screamed, " ALL YOU NEED IS BC POWDERS AND VODKA!!!!" Thank you Jesus, let me write this down!! I was hunting for my cell phone, to ask her if I could take her photo, but they called her back, and I watched as her chains made clanking noises, and her boots dragged across the floor. Now this is a great office. I walked into the room with a smile on my face, for gel shots in my knees, that hurt more than childbirth!! Dr. said, "Bonnie, you are always happy." and I thought, you should have seen me yesterday, but I let her think, Yes I am happy all the time!!!! It gives people hope in this crazy world!!! She asked me , "What is your secret?" I thought, "Hell's Angels" and " Attention to Details." I left her with a smile on her face. 


Saturday, January 7, 2023


 I went to one of our doctors yesterday and wrote December 6 on my forms to sign.

The receptionist took my papers and I explained to her, my mistakes and could she correct them. My beloved husband made the appointments for us at 7:30 am, and I may be a tad off, like a month or two. (which you probably know, is just me!)

The form asked me when I had retired and I just said, I have no clue, it may be in your computer. Truly I have never retired, I work every day, Medicare may want the dates?? They can also look it up.

This was a 6th month checkup, and many things had happened in these last 6 months. This week I had just had new gel shots for my knees, and fell the next day, on my knees, so my lack of walking well, was a red flag for my family doctor. (34 years has been seeing me)

I began with having a stress induced heart attack in October, ( its in the charts Dr. V) I had an echo last week, and my heart is perfect. (miracles do happen)

Mama Mary died in maybe November; I feel like it was around Thanksgiving weekend? Elizabeth (my doc) was heartbroken, she had also seen mom these last three years. 

AND my knees are shot, but gel shots are helping, but I do fall often.

She looks at me, like a bunny after Easter, sad eyes and an empty egg basket.

She said, " How are you grieving?" Well...said I... I don't grieve, I don't cry, I think mom is good. Ward took all my grief when he died, all my tears, so I may just tunnel vision death. Put it in its on compartment. Doctor may have said, that is not real healthy Bonnie, but I know you, and you know your body and mind.

Then she leads with. "How are your nerves and depression?"

Well....they live with me in peace. I have added winter depression, that I deal with, does not require extra meds, just sunshine and time turned back.

I like to keep nerve pills on hand, but as she can see from my bottle, I don't take them. It is a comfort to know they are at a hands reach if I can not get up off the floor from cracking up!! 

She then wanted to know what I needed for knee pain? I asked her, what do I usually take? she smiled and said, I know, nothing, but your knees look terrible.

I held her sweet hands, and said, "I am good, daddy would say, this is just life Bonnie."

I only know how to live with great big ideas, looking for Joy even in a gray day.

I do not like aches and pains of ageing but remain proud of how we take care of each other.

We have a large family with daily quirks that sometimes can get Big. Thankfully there is an empty cross where I leave them. I tell Jesus, and whoever is taking my call that day, to please help all my loved ones have some common sense. Work Hard, be kind, and box up crazy and leave it for the mailman. (and that does not refer to me, children, it is a metaphor of behaviors from time to time!!)

Dr. Veverra, bid goodbye and I was happy and healthy for a moment. I will hold on, to each moment.

The husband was healthy also, we are highly favored and blessed for another day.

Now I may not know the day or month or year, but I do know its sunny out, so It's all good.