Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Harper Lee, Harper Lee, Harper Lee

         "If you did not want much, there was plenty."-Harper Lee
         Miss Lee was talking about living in a small southern town, when she wrote the above words.
         The sentence, is one of the few that I loved in the book.
          Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee, Maybe??? Is not a great book, but note I did not like the first one. To Kill A Mockingbird was a great movie, the book would not be required reading if not for the movie. Its southern, without the sweet tea. I need to feel the humidity of the south, along with its racism, to see the truth.
        I have read every book written about Miss Lee and her family. Did she write this book, we will never know for sure. I just think if she were in her right mind ( which may have never been possible!, she was a bird) now, she would continue to promise that she never wrote another book. I believe her. If indeed she wrote this one, I don't see the rhyme nor reason.
        I did not enjoy it, yet I read it straight through, out of respect.
        There is so much about the south that I cherish and feel in my bones, but....then there is the rest.
       The rest is hard to see on paper, the N word has never been OK to me, and to hear/see the reasoning behind some of the small town minds of the past, takes my breath away. ( I am not so sure, that it is in the past, that is even more horrific) It is a bitter pill to swallow, but it is our history and I don't want to forget it. We can learn and grow from our mistakes and our accomplishments.There is a hangover of hatred, still in the south.(quotes from the book) Prejudice is a dirty word, and faith, a clean one, they both have something in common; the both begin where reason ends.( another book quote)
         Tobacco Road, is paved, and sits upon the ghosts of the Civil War. It is in the history books, or novels, where it should be. Miss Lee (or her neighbor? whomever wrote the book) brought to my attention the sins of the south, but also the love that remains.
          I love the south, I embrace the crazy and I do not tolerate ignorant hatred of any kind.
         Would I recommend this book? Yes, to southern people, to remind them of how not to be, and how to be. Yes, to all other humans, that are not born in the south, if you can be patient with the writing, you will see why there was some fear, even misguided. Simple minds, and poverty, throw in humidity, the trash is hard to wash away. ( another quote) ( I wish they were all mine, but they are not) ( Just the trash is hard to wash out, is the quote, I will take the credit of all the other glorious words!)
         Harper Lee fascinates me, her writing is not the best, but I still cherish her words. Her personal story is better then any of her novels, if you get a hankering to read them.
        Now I have two paintings, to get into to, my July reading is done.
        How do these days, go by so fast. Filled to the brim, with joy.
        Until another day 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cognitive Surplus

   If you are in the baby raising phase of life, you will not understand this blog. I remember that time, clearly, it never leaves you. The word surplus, only means laundry and no sleep. So feel free to not read this. (Don't give up hope for ever reading a book again, or watching a movie, you will find time, one day) ( If you can squeeze in a shower, its a good day, I know!)
   Now for the rest of the world, (just kidding???) ( mom stuff is hard)
   Couple of book reviews
 Man's Search For Meaning byViktor E. Frankl, a book referred to me by my beloved husband and his book club of smart people. ( Some people may call  them nerds?? You know doctors and lawyers and such!) So I said, "Why not, I read all kinds of books, bring it on!"
  Well, it was wonderful, and I hope people have already read this one. I hope all my children read it, and just all humans. It is not summer beach book reading, but put it on your list for a pretty large life lesson book.
  This man is a concentration camp survivor, and the rest I will not tell you.
    However, I will show you some of my highlighted posts, that will hopefully tweak your interest.
       1. " He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How"- Nietzsche
       2. Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure
       3. Do something significant in love and in courage during difficult times
       4.Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose ( Amen)
       5. Man is that being who invented the gas chambers of Auschwitz: however, he is also that being who entered those gas chambers upright, in prayer
       6.love goes far beyond the physical person
       7.Humor, more than anything else in the human make-up, can afford an aloofness and an ability to rise above any situation, even if only for a few seconds. ( hard one)
       8.sudden loss of hope and courage can have a deadly effect
       9. Life means taking responsibility to find the right answer
     10. What you have experienced, no power on earth, can take that from you
     11.the tension between what one has already achieved and what one still ought to accomplish or the gap between what one is and what one should become ( as you age, this rings so loud)
     12. What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task ( remember I said, "Not a Beach read!)
     13. unhappiness is a symptom of maladjustment ( more people go to the shrink with the complaint of boredom then depression!( I have never been bored in my life! but depression and I are on first name
      I have many more pearls to share, but I don't know if it will scare you away or attract you to the book. It is a book about why certain  people survive in life and lead a huge life. A life with purpose, and happiness .Biological, psychological, sociological, environmental, this man survived four concentration camps. He did not simple exist, but decided what his existence would be. It is a powerful book.
    We have so little to complain about, to say Yes to life everyday, is an honor and joy. This book is just a reminder to us.
    Now Dr. B, you can read Harper Lee's new book, after you read THE FIRST!
    Cognitive Surplus, its a wonderful thing.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wrap It UP!!

    It is just about my birthday time, and my girl, Emma, reminded me, that I was way behind on my gifts to myself. Yes, I need a supply of many, just in case. A rainy day, or every other day, you need to celebrate your birth! If not your birth, find something to celebrate, and give yourself a gift. A gift of time, or some fresh blueberries served up in Grandmothers china, or A Purse!
   My peeps know I have extended my birthday celebration into June, July and August, maybe now a week into September. Its now headed to the end of July , I need to get busy. So, while Em and I were headed to the movies , over the weekend, I ran in a store. Just looking??? A shoe, a nightgown to catch my eye, so I wandered over to the PJ section of this overpriced store. Surely they all have a sales rack, I hate to pay top dollar, for anything but....... well, I found a summer gown, grabbed it and walked over to the sales lady. ( who looked sour!)
   I told her it was my birthday gift, she said, " Oh Happy Birthday!" and I proceeded to explain that it was not my birthday, but I was getting ready. She hummm-ed, "Oh My husband told me to buy my own  present, but I could never feel right about it, I would never spend much money on myself!" ( sad face) I grabbed her hands ( Yes, I know I touch people) " Oh my goodness, go buy yourself something, today, you deserve it! be good to yourself, so you can be good to others...plus your husband said you could...and you asked him, that was nice!!!" I thanked her, and wished her a happy day, and Emma shook her head, like, "I know the story mom!"  I grabbed her arm, ever so gentle, " Don't ever forget it, buy your own flowers, your happiness does not depend on other people!!" " Always have a few items, stashed away, for others AND give unto your self first! ( I think now, I was talking to air! All my girls, and boys know my gift giving plan. No delayed gratification here!!) Then the next day, I went by myself, to peep at things, came home with a darling wrap for Emma and myself ( I always buy for others too, so don't let your mind go down the selfish slide) and a small bracelet for Emma, back to school presents!!! ( I will find a reason, not that there has to be one!!)
 Today I had, my berries is granny's bowl, Happy Birthday Bon, made a meatloaf for supper, early, so I can read and write and paint in the afternoon, another gift!! to myself and the family.
 You just need a plan, A,B,C and maybe a D!!!!
  This is a gift I give to you today, be good to yourself. Or to quote Bill Murray....
  Someone asked him this question, " What is it like to be Bill Murray?"
  He replied, " Nothing prepared me for being this awesome, Its kind of a shock to wake up every morning and be bathed in this purple light!!"
   Purple light, what ever your light, celebrate your awesome self!!  

Saturday, July 18, 2015

July Construction, Raising a Roof

    To begin with I had to look up ( My secretary Bill did!), the meaning of Raise The Roof! I thought it could mean to build a roof, or have a big party. The meaning is to yell or be angry enough to raise the roof. To see RED and raise the roof, or a ruckus, that could raise the roof. So you will have to decide if the title of this blog goes with the blog. Certainly there was some construction, and some ruckus on my back patio, but no anger to be had.

   The weather was near perfect, a slight breeze and summer heat, a nap was called for. So I decided to have one outside, even if I did not sleep, the quiet afternoon would be a place of meditation for the soul. I sprawled out on the lounge chair, with a pillow from inside, I was serious. I just listened to the birds and counted my blessings, that no one was using a leaf blower at this time. When I looked up, to see what a tad busy bird noise was. There was a brown bird, cute little body with a long beak, sitting on a piece of fence ( non functioning fence/gate that I just leave up, because I like it, a gate to no where! its awesome!) I sat up on my elbow and began to watch him or her. I think they were building a nest. So many twigs and pieces of yard material that they were throwing behind the rakes on the wall. Shovels, old bats, garden hoses, that was the outside wall of their refuge. The inside was a castle, or at least from what I could see. I was afraid to move, I did not want to make them feel watched! They were working so hard, then I heard screaming babies! Oh my goodness there are babies in that nest, one of those birds must have been bringing food. So I continued to watch and listen. These babies were so well behaved, as soon as, the parent left the nest, they shut-up! Gosh, these bird parents have taught their kids so well, no one will know they are their to eat them. Plus they have designed an extreme house to enjoy and raise their young. I watched for a long time, it was pure pleasure at its best.
     I tired the next couple of days to see in the nest without them thinking I was trying to eat them, but to no avail. I warned my family to not touch anything on that rack, for fear of disturbing this precious perch of birds. To my knowledge they may already be gone, I have left them on their own.
    It was an amazing thing to witness, the slow and steady process of love. Food to your babies and adding more nest material to your abode. ( Iam sure the kids had destroyed at least one room!!)
   I am also reminded at how little it takes to make me happy. A good nap, on a nice summer day, or no nap at all! Just some visitors, checking in for a time.
   I think I will leave the nest up for awhile, to remind me, to be quiet and look around.
   Or.....maybe these birds are not finished with it yet!! They may be building condos! I better go get my pillow and watch!

Saturday, July 11, 2015


   These numbers probably have some meaning to many baby boomer humans.
    We grew up in such a time of great change, and it was grand.
    Was it difficult, yes, as much as any teenager, but we had Omar.

     Lawrence came out in 62, Doctor Z in 65 and Funny Girl in 68, these were building years for me.
     Years to be molded and changed, and I had Omar Sharif.
     He was young, and beautiful, and oh so not the local surfer or high school football star.
     I loved Omar, and I think there may be others.
     10, 13, and 16, these were my years between angst and awesome.
     Omar made me swoon. There were scenes in Doctor Zhivago, that changed me. I had to remind myself to breathe, when he said "Laura". Then in Funny Girl, when Fanny looked at Nicky, the world stopped spinning. These were huge love stories, for a young girl learning about love. I wanted my heart to stop, when someone touched my face, I was a born romantic. Even in Lawrence of Arabia, I was a little torn, because of my love for Peter and Omar. Mr. Sharif won out in the end, second only to Robert Redford, and oh so many others!! These men of the movies grabbed at my heart, and held on for the ages.

   Yesterday, I was stunned during lunch, when a dear friend just casually mentioned, "Oh isn't it sad about Omar Sharif??" dying??!!!!" My other friend and I hollered, "WHAT!", " What are you saying!" We put our hands to the heavens, and reminded Natty that you have to warn us of this kind of information.
  Mr. S is a part of our youth, our DNA, he is our person!!! She understood.....but....how old is Natalie?
  She is our baby friend, whom we adore, and are thankful that she had older sisters! So we feel like she knows, but.........did she love him to the core.......would have traveled to Egypt.....if he had just asked....
  I have just been spent since I heard the news, sad that he is gone, but soooo thankful for having him to love.
  I will watch his movies, forever, and try and remember that young girl from so long ago. I know she still resides deep in my soul. Mr. Omar Sharif, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
AND Bernacious, slip us a quiet note next time, we are old, and our past loves live high on a pedestal, and I am a firm believer in not knowing so much is a good thing!! ( I have blotted out all of this death talk, surely he is still alive!!) ( love you girls) ( lunch was awesome)

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Room With A View, or Just A Window.

  When idle, I will move furniture. That was the problem, or solution this July weekend. People all over, are cooking potato salad and trying to put on their red, white and blue. Flags are hung on every conceivable pole, as they should be. Its a grand parade of July happenings. All my kids were busy, so hubby and I were left to our own imaginations. I stirred together some food, its what we mothers do, and brought out the red napkins. We looked at each other, one minute too long, and I said, " I think I will start moving some paintings around." The box was then opened, " How about that table and chairs in Ward's room, I could use for a desk, in the computer room?" Hammers, and humming began. I always see, or think I see a vision. Nine out of ten times, its awesome. My record remains in tack, with my throat closing up. You see, change and I are not always good neighbors. I like where my stuff is, and I don't let others touch my area. ( They do touch, but a fuss may ensue)
     We had some pictures, we took in Belgium that got lost on one wall, so I took them to a hall. Fresh white enamel( I love shinny) walls made the photos pop, and I hung them all in a straight line from ceiling to floor.( maybe I will take a picture to show you, or just trust me, it looks perfect. Two pieces of an old, old, painted green fence, I also moved to another wall. I have no idea where it came from, but it spoke to me, " Where had this fence been? and who had loved it before me?" It is weathered, and worn and a piece of art.
  Now one wall in the den is empty and that inspires me, to search for something to put there, or frame some of my art to hang, so many options. It is good to change the view, occasionally.
  If you follow my blog, you will know that I always type in the kitchen. The light is heavenly coming in a big bay window and it connects to the screened back porch, that also is a sanctuary to me. But the day was young, I needed to try and type from a different spot.This is so hard for me. Most people take their computers all over the place, I seem to only be able to write in one place in the house. My family, thought, that if I was closer to our main computer, it would be a faster hook-up? ( I don't know computer talk, but my computer was very slow) So here I sit, in Bill's office, computer room, as I call it.
  The table feels good, I have enough space, and I like what I see. A window to my right, with light shinning in on me, to my left past the hall and stairs, is the dinning room, that I never see much and I love it. Lucy the Lab, is behind me, which is always a plus. I see oil paintings of my boys on the walls, and a shelf with all the clay pots and vases all my children made over the years. ( some of my most cherished pieces) There is a bowl, a pink depression glass bowl, holding glass perfume stoppers! ( I find the strangest things at antique stores!) that makes me smile. I wonder why someone saved the tops and not the bottoms, of pretty glass perfume bottles, of long ago. I guess they knew someone, one day, would love to have them! Your welcome!
There are all the prints from Matt, framed going up the stairs, of Brian Andreas art, that he bought for me, when my Ward died. I read them each day, and I look at them now, in this new spot of mine.
    I think I will like this place of writing, it feels like home.
    Change can be good, even if we fight it all the way to another room.
    Bill and I had a great 4th of July, at least from where I sit now, I can share this all with you.