Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ahhhhhh, March

March sounds better!! March sounds confident, a sign of surviving. My back door is open, and even though there is a chill in the air, I feel a warm ray of spring. Birds are busy, and visit me, laid out, on the deck. I sat outside yesterday, and prayed without ceasing. The lock was off the vault, and I had a "coming to Jesus" moment. To express my being thankful and a few questions thrown in.
I promised not to watch any more news, about Gadhafi ( doesn't that sound like you have coughed up something bad!) or Charlie Sheen!!! You see I have been having bad dreams, and I think it all comes from the news. Giant Mother Cooter pythons taking over Florida, kept me up for nights!! No more news for me. Only Glee, American Idol, or Dancing with the Stars!! I will begin March with a song in my heart and a dance in my, one good leg!!!
I go see the "bone man" on Monday!!!
March, it's going to be good, I can feel it!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bonnie-
    I just finished reading, "Choose to See" by Mary Beth Chapman. I bought it before Christmas with intentions to send to you after I read it. But low and behold- you blogged that you had read it months ago. Well- Spring is almost here and I hope it brings happiness to you. Doing hard like Mary Beth put it is not easy without God. It's not easy with God. I hope you don't have anymore nightmares about the Giant Mother Cooter pythons:)(tee hee) You are still funny


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