Saturday, February 20, 2010

Apology.......I'm Thinking???

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, you are killing me!!!! Your fall from grace, may forever change my golf viewing days. You were a machine, a well oiled golf machine. A young man, with everything. I'm sorry!!! I'm just not sure about what?? As a Bonnie rule, I do not care what people do in their beds, or floors, or cars, or behind closed doors!!!! People can have sex with penguins, I don't care, its none of my business.
What's Super Freaky to one, is not to the other.
So why apologize for your sexual conduct? Direct all apologies to your mom, wife, and children. Also any people who have lost jobs, because of your, being an idiot!!!
You don't owe me , the fan, anything. Except a good game of golf.

I have stuck by a President , that had cigars, in others orifices!!! and I would probably vote for him again.
I have watched many movies, with actors, that have had babies out of wedlock, slept with their sisters husbands, been in jail and on drugs. I guess I don't judge people too much, or maybe too well!!!!
Sports people fall from grace, just like the rest of us.
I just start off, putting people on pedestals, my mistake.
I will never look at you with Goo-Goo eyes, and respect your every stroke. Will I watch you again, maybe. I don't hold a grudge.
Tiger, your "wood" has been in more holes, than most of your balls. Bad choices, but I still think, your sex life is NONE of my business.
I care more that these pitiful young women could be so "quick" to be swooned, and think that they had a chance at the golden ticket!!!! Women everywhere, this doesn't have to be "Par for the Course!!" He is a married man, and he is not that cute!!!!
Tiger good luck in therapy, and can you foot the bill, so that every young girl, you screwed with, could have some therapy. That's fair..

1 comment:

  1. My curiousity is piqued. To which president are you referring?


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