Friday, March 31, 2023

Momma Said, "............................."

          "If you kaint say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all!!"(really mom??)

Daddy said, " Lay IT ALL out on the table!!" 

These precious people, so different and both right. Miss them everyday.

This past week, my cousin Becky died. Some knew her as Ellen, Rebecca, Mom, Sister, daughter, friend. She will always be Becky to me. A few months separated us in age. An entire lifetime separated us as adults. For all my life we were stuck together at the hip, I think Adah ( Aunt ALice Brown) liked me to play with Becky all the time, so she would not fight with Nicky, or herself. Oil and Water, sometimes just does not mix.

From birth to maybe our late twenties, we did everything together. 

Spent most of my nights at Bruce Street or Becky at Kenmore Street. Rode our bikes back and forth to each other's houses. Church, whenever the door was open!! I think we may have been the only children to have Reverent King stop the Sunday night service to tell Mary and ALice ( our moms) to come get us, we were laughing too much. Also on many a Sunday church service, we called out hymns to sing, Old Rugged Cross and In The Garden, or I come to the Garden. We never changed our choices, never. Dr. King would soon not call on us, but this went on for a long time. Movies, Beach, Lake, Camps, Chorus, School, Farm, everyday together.

Becky was an accident waiting to happen. From birth, momma said. Hardships, and toll followed her. I think she followed it. Lost her eye, with a sliced phone cable wire, using it for tug of war. Took a hatchet to cut wood one day, half of her foot damaged. Fell on escalator, and knee kept going into the grate at the end. Car wrecks, Horse and dog bites. Fights that go down in history, mostly with family members. Dear Elizibeth, the maid, our saint, would hide with me, when they got really bad.

Today we would say, she was a hot mess. I need you to know that she was also The Best. Strong as an ox, gave of herself, to whomever needed help. Enjoyed practical jokes, that would scare me to death. Slept late everyday of her life, late, late, late, to everything. She was a very good singer, and could have been a good teacher, but could not wake up. Playing mermaids at the lake, for hours are sweet memories. Spending so much time, just using our imaginations, reading, hide and seek, deep in the ivy. (no one would find us) Climbing on wire trellis for the wisteria, and never knowing if it would hold us. 

I have almost thirty years of good memories, that I will hold onto.

As marriages, children, entered our lives, and distance. We became strangers.

Or just long, lost cousins. Mom would update me on all Brown activities, and coming down several times a year, I would see Becky in passing the big house.

I know her first child, but not the others. She knew none of mine really, I guess just stories. We would meet at funerals, some weddings, big birthdays, but never again would we sit and talk. At dad's funeral, we hugged hard ( Becky was a good hugger) and she whispered to me, "Thank you for the money you sent to help me with my sons cremation,) i whispered, I am so sorry that you and I are in that club of heartache from losing a child. We kissed and continued on. At the end of the service, the minister said for the family to stand and pray together, somehow, I think mom, as usual had said the family was at odds with each other. Big families, it happens. So we all held hands,  I think we were saying the Nicene Creed, when someone from way in the back, comes up and puts a big hand on my back, no words, I knew who it was. Becky's seat was so far away because she was late, but she was going to go up front with the Fam!! I turned me face half way to her, and said "Can you hear daddy complaining about how long this service is lasting?" and we had it down to 8 minutes!!! " We both tell each other not to laugh!" Here we are again not listening to the preacher, we just had to grab a moment for ourselves.

I never saw her again.

Her daughter texted or put it on face book, I can't remember, that Becky was going to Hospice, Cance had been a beast. I texted Allison, whom I do not know, except by name, to please tell Becky I love her. Allison texted back, I told her. Becky had packed her bags of earthly life and knew her peace was coming.

I knew Becky loved me, and she knew I loved her. Through the years no one could rescue Becky from Becky. Maybe we were not suppose to. Her Sisters and children have always been there for Becky. Jesus held her hand, all her life, not just at her leaving. 

We send you home, to rest and regroup. Eyesight restored, and no pain.

Much love was carried on your wings to glory



Saturday, March 18, 2023

March With Me


 I keep prayer material in every room in the house. Beads, bibles, devotional books, how to pray better books, world religion books, notebooks and pencils, I need structure in my constant state of prayer. (Im praying right now, to remember to get my nails done, they are clicking on the keys wrong, and I am thanking God for curse words!!) God and I have a hand holding, deep conversation relationship. He knows I talk to Buddha also, to help center me, to pray better. He (or she?) knows that I like all the parades and flowers in Hindu religion, Judaism, Catholics, I will worship with all, and believe in Jesus, all at the same time. I thank God for my desire to read and learn even into my seventies!!!!

Also, in each room of my house, I have furniture that you can "fall out" in. My back is wacked out, left knee, and entire left leg, it is not a fun thing, so I fall out a lot!!

Sitting at this computer, the sciatica pains are running up and down, so this blog maybe a little iffy. Any pain makes thinking about other things hard, but I am hanging by a thread, Crushed in spirit!!

Losing Ward at age 24, crushed me and those pieces will never be in the right order again. Losing Mom(Mary) recently was not so sad, more joyful. She too, had been crushed by death, my sister Trudy, Brother Tommy, and her beloved Homer, my dad, plus her first grandchild, my Ward. She was broken and 91, so grief consumed her. Jesus called her home, and she is with Daddy now. We rejoice at their reunion. I bet Jesus has not seen her yet. Daddy is refusing to go to the Big Altar, and mom will not let go of his hand. Im praying for him to just say hello, to the person on the right hand side of God, and refrain from any questions. He knows Gene Autrey and all about The American Indians!!

Now if you know me, and I think you may, none of this was in my blog for today. I What words come to this page, just shows up.

And maybe you will find a little pearl of wisdom, a laugh or cry, I just have to write my thoughts down, so I don't keep paying for a shrink!!!I tend to sway, and it works for me. 

Now the real blog was about singing and songs.

I sing all the time, another form of therapy, for sure.  

I wake up singing and I never know the song, it just comes to me. This am, From a Distance, by Bette Midler began and I smiled. I like this one and I had to look up all the lyrics to do it justice!! (One of my sons, said that I remind them of Bette Midler

, I told him, I know you mean all the good singing!! He who will remain nameless, said no, The crazy Mermaid stuff! Well OK with me)

" From a distance we all are instruments, Marching in a common band."

Sing it today for me and think about our common world.

What instrument would you be playing? I am playing and marching with Yo Yo Ma!

A Cello!

Make me an instrument of Peace and improve my voice Jesus, when you get a little time.

When mom was in Assisted Living Place, I would go down her hallway singing loud, and she would Holler!! "I hear you coming Bonnie, and we would both laugh" Sometimes she would not know me, but most of the time she did, and she would rave about my singing, which only a mom would do. 

A renewed spirit is just one song away.

Booming voice and extended notes, puts the broken pieces back in some order. Not the right spot, but still in a good place.

Happy Saturday All
