Monday, November 2, 2020

Abundant Sunshine

 This dark (time change) morning, my beloved said, " The weather is calling for abundant sunshine."
 At 4am the brain cells, are just stretching and I mumbled, " Did it really say that?"
Hubby says, "Yes"
I smiled over my bed head, " That is the best news, I have heard in days!"
Side note, he failed to mention, it was witches titties cold!! 
Its Abundant Sunshine, that is a beautiful thing.
My hair is falling out, I have hives, my mom is in hospital, the election is on the fritz and violent people are oozing out of the seams of  America. I may be a tad stressed, but I have an Abundant Sunshine Day. Wanda Canupp Wunder use to say "Blue Sky Days" when she could go to the beach, to sun and fish.
I miss her special ways.
Mom is OK-ish, weak, breathing issues, walking issues, just stuff we are working on. Covid makes all the places that can help her, a death trap, so its scary. She may have graduated from our care, but we are hoping she can come home soon, to our normal. Mom, if you are reading this, do your exercises for your legs, and be extra sweet to your nurses and doctors. We are always blessed, remember that. We love you, and will talk later.
Mother and I have had 9 months of heavy chatting going on, we crack up everyday!! Laughter heals, she cries a  lot, but I have no tears left. ( after my son Ward died, no more tears are in my body)
I think mom still has work to do on this earth, so get better Mary, your room is waiting.
One thing during October that we discussed at length, is always daddy/Homer/Sonny/Uncle Homer.
I was the first born, and Trudy ( sister) came real soon after. She was very sick, and mom had to really concentrate on her. Well guess who that left me with!! Homer!! At the early age of around 3, he decided to introduce me to horror movies. I new Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi before I knew the name of our preacher at Anderson. I knew every part of a car, and how to polish a car, before my six birthday!!!
I knew that Cowboys and Indians were a religion in our house, we had shrines.
Walt Disney, was another human, that may have walked on water.
Golf, Football, I could have coached by the age of 10.
History, music, poetry, geography, quotes of the world, I was daddy's sponge. Then came the boys, Benjie and Tommy, and I had discovered boys, so we could part ways, so to say.
He was a born story teller, and artist with no filter, or ability to tolerate stupid.
Lucky for me, mom jumped in for the girlie stuff, taught me all about Thank You Notes, and not showing your britches!! They were two very different people, that worked well together, and gave us the best. Now I have had some, one on one time, with Mary, that has been pretty neat.( wish she felt better) 
I have had an abundance of  minutes with both of my parents, and for that I am grateful.
Back to this beautiful day, a random thought I had to share with Bill, and he laughed out loud.
Its dark in the den, and its early, crap news is on, and I say, " You know I really love Bandaids and Big Plastic Nativity Scenes in the yard." " I just felt the need to share this information with this person to whom I have been married to for 40 years!!!  He was laughing, " I learn something new about you every day Bonnie."
Thank you Homer and Mary, I have turned out to be pretty neat. A tad off center, and will always make you proud.

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