Saturday, June 6, 2020

Bring Me All Your Dreams

  Bring Me All Your Dreams
         You Dreamer,
     Bring Me All Your
          Heart Melodies
    That I May Wrap Them
    In A Blue Cloud-Cloth
Away From The Too-Rough Fingers
           Of The World.

Langston Hughes

   Mom has been living with us since March. Daddy has been in all my dreams, a guest appearance, is guaranteed. My father passed away recently, or it feels recently, if you want extra info about him. He was never in any of my dreams, not one. Now he is visiting on a nightly basis. I told mom, he is just checking on her, through me. However, he is not asking about mom, he seems to be helping me, find lost items, and giving me directions. ( he gave all of us directions, all the time!!) ( road rage, hung close to dad, in a car. Even explaining how to do anything!!was his wheelhouse) ( God Bless him!!)
( I do know how to get to Main Street Dad, 67 years later, still!)
Being a big dreamer, I write down a bunch, because I remember my dreams, and sometimes, I just can not figure them out.
The other morning, I woke up and began to write. I was celebrating Brenda Brickel and my birthdays, (a friend from high school, love her) in a big world of our birthdays. ( Brendas birthday is not the same as mine, if you are thinking that) I never saw Brenda at the party, I was looking for her. I did get to see so many people, that I have probably loved at some time. Dream lover, that I am.
Ron Howard was so nice, a good hugger, Nancy Sinatra still was walking them boots!!,all the Harry Potter kids, allowed me to be in the book or the movie, so exciting. I could just walk onto any play, that I have dreamt about being in, boom, Rent, The King and I, all original cast.
I was wearing a cute red hat, and had lost my glasses, and purse, which is in every dream. There were also so many doors to open!! I was lost, as a ball in tall grass. That's when I saw daddy, and he showed me a few doors to open, they were all good choices, and told me to look at Waze on my phone to find the way to the beginning of my birthday. ( note, he never owned a cell phone, nor would have told me to use Waze!!)
 I found the start of the party and it was over, as if there never was one. I felt OK, missed the cake, and never found Brenda, but I knew how to go to the parking lot.
Always nice to see old friends, Melinda Youngblood Brewer was there, in a huge, lavender flower hat, like and old lady at church. We laughed so hard, and neither of us knew why.
I woke up a little later then my 4 or 5 am call time, I think it was around 6 and I panicked!! Half the day was gone.
I wrote as much as I could remember down, to later think of it.
I did not find the words to describe how happy I was, it was just a sweet feeling.
The world today, is so harsh with virus, protests, and a 30/30 TV program on Lance Armstrong that has sickened me!!!
I looked to Langston, to find some answers, and I did.
A blue cloud cloth, wrap me up, I bring you a very special dream.
Daddy go visit mom, I know which way to go.

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